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Title:Tehnologije za preučevanje in usmerjanje potrošniškega vedenja v nasprotju s pravico do kognitivne svobode in avtonomije razmišljanja : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Vogrinčič, Nika (Author)
ID Mavčič, Arne (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Vogrincic_Nika_i2019.pdf (2,18 MB)
MD5: CFDC9FF94A2089D8E03971F40094D9DE
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Namen tehnologij za preučevanje in usmerjanje potrošniškega vedenja je slediti navadam in 'klikom' potrošnika in nato na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov ustvariti profil potrošnika in mu ob obisku spletnih strani prikazovati oglase, vezane na njegova zanimanja; najbolj poznani so piškotki. Pri raziskovanju teme sem uporabila sekundarno analizo podatkov, ki so bili zbrani do danes, čeprav jih glede na novejšo tematiko ni bilo veliko. Posledično sem uporabila vire, ki se nanašajo na sorodne teme in jih skušala povezati z izbranim področjem. Poleg tega sem pregledala tudi sodno prakso in tako skušala ugotoviti, kako sodišče razlaga nekatere izbrane človekove pravice in katerim daje prednost. Na koncu sem uporabila anketo kot metodo zbiranja podatkov in tako ugotovila, da se potrošniki pri uporabi spleta zavedajo manipulacij s strani oglaševalcev; usmerjanje pa na njih deluje le redko. Namen dela je bil ugotoviti, kaj lahko pravo naredi, da zaščiti pravice uporabnikov spleta, in dobiti odgovore na to, ali in katere nove človekove pravice bi bilo potrebno vpeljati v obstoječe pravne ureditve, da se prepreči ali vsaj omeji poseganje podjetij na spletu v posameznika. V svoji nalogi sem poleg obstoječih pravic predlagala uvedbo nekaj novih, s katerimi bi bil um človeka bolj zaščiten: kognitivno svobodo, avtonomijo mišljenja, pripravljenost tveganja in pravico do samostojnega odločanja. Moja raziskava je namenjena predvsem pričetku razprave o prilagoditvi prava novim tehnologijam. Predlagam dve rešitvi. Prva je razširitev razlage že obstoječih pravic, druga pa je uvedba novih pravic, ki sem jih v svojem delu tudi predlagala.
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Hribar]
Year of publishing:2019
Year of performance:2019
Number of pages:132 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-6359 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048103908 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 18. 2. 2020;
Publication date in ReVIS:20.02.2020
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Secondary language

Abstract:Technologies for studying and directing consumer behavior are intended to track consumer's habits and 'clicks' and, then, create a profile based on the information obtained, and to show advertisements related to their interests when visiting websites. The most well-known are cookies. When researching the topic, I used a secondary analysis on the basis of the data that has been collected to date although the topic is relatively new and there have not been many studies performed yet. As a result, I used resources related to similar topics and tried to tie them to my field of research. I have also reviewed the case law in order to find out how the court interprets some of the chosen human rights and which one it prioritizes. In the end, I used the survey as a method of data collection finding that consumers are aware of advertisers' manipulations when using the web and it rarely affects them. The purpose of my work was to determine what law can do to protect the rights of web users today and to get answers as to whether and what kind of new human rights should be introduced into the existing legal systems to prevent or at least limit online business interference with an individual. In addition to the existing rights, I proposed the introduction of some new ones to help protect the human mind: cognitive freedom, the autonomy of thought, willingness to take risks, and the right to make independent decisions. My research is primarily aimed at starting a discussion on adapting the law to new technologies. I suggest two solutions. The first is an extension of the interpretation of pre-existing rights and the second is the introduction of new, already mentioned rights.
Keywords:Osebni podatki
