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Authors:ID Oblak, Maša (Author)
ID Veljić, Irma (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 427$$diplomska_naloga_masa.pdf (867,60 KB)
MD5: 6631968BAFAC16C8585290C1B87588A6
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Namen raziskave je bil proučiti ali uspešna komunikacija pozitivno vpliva na fizioterapevtovo počutje v kolektivu, ali zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu pozitivno vpliva na njihovo vzdušje ter, ali se jim zdi pomembna medosebna komunikacija, saj odločilno vpliva na uspešnost dela. Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 80 fizioterapevtov in študentov fizioterapije. 97,50% anketirancev je menilo, da učinkovita komunikacija v ustanovi pomembno vpliva na lastno motivacijo in dobro počutje. 77 oseb ali 96,20% anketirancev je bilo mnenja, da zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu pozitivno vpliva na vzdušje med zaposlenimi. Na vprašanje ali se jim medosebna komunikacija zdi pomembna, saj odločilno vpliva na uspešnost dela pa se je strinjalo vseh 100% anketirancev. Iz pridobljenih podatkov lahko sklepamo, da je uspešna komunikacija ključnega pomena tako zasebno, predvsem pa na delovnem mestu. Da bomo na delovnem mestu imeli uspešne odnose s sodelavci je potrebno, da smo v komunikaciji z njimi odprti, da odkrito povemo svoje mnenje ter v primeru nesoglasij stvari razčistimo in se pogovorimo. Če se na delovnem mestu pojavijo konflikti ni to nič slabega. Konflikti namreč niso nič drugega kot drugačna mnenja, ki so izražena ob napačnem času in napačnem kraju ob neprimernem tonu sogovornika. V primeru konflikta pa je ključno, da se s pravilno komunikacijo stvari razrešijo. Posledica konflikta pa pripelje do slabega počutja, ki pogosto pogojuje tudi stres, ki ga lahko nehote prenašamo med sodelavce, ki pa so ključni za uspešno opravljeno delo. Zaradi konfliktnega okolja lahko trpi celoten kolektiv, posledično pa tudi kakovost in uspešnost dela.
Keywords:komunikacija (communication), zadovoljstvo zaposlenih na delovnem mestu (job satisfaction), medosebni odnosi (interpersonal relations), konflikt (conflict), empatija (empathy), stres (stress), tim (team)
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-6714 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23915011 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:03.07.2020
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Secondary language

Abstract:The purpose of the study was to examine whether the successful communication has a positive effect on the physiotherapist's well-being in his collective, whether job satisfaction has a positive effect on their atmosphere, and whether they consider interpersonal communication important because it has a key impact on work performance. The data were collected through a survey questionnaire. 80 physiotherapists and students of physiotherapy participated in the study. 97.50% of the respondents believe that effective communication at an institution significantly affects their own motivation and well-being. 77 persons or (96.20%) of the respondents believe that job satisfaction has a positive effect on the atmosphere among employees. 100% of the respondents gave positive answer to the question whether they consider interpersonal communication important because it has key impact on the success of their work. From the obtained data we can conclude that successful communication is crucial both for private life and especially at work. In order to have a successful relationship with our colleagues at work, it is necessary for us to be open in communication with them, to openly express our opinion and to clarify and discuss things in case of disagreement. If conflicts arise at work, it is nothing serious. Conflicts are nothing but different opinions, which are expressed at the wrong time and in the wrong place in an inappropriate tone of the interlocutor. In the event of a conflict, however, it is crucial that things are resolved through proper communication. Consequence of conflict may lead to discomfort, involving stress, which can be unintentionally transferred to co-workers, which are crucial for successful performance of work. In this way, the entire collective and, ultimately, the quality and performance of the work may suffer.
Keywords:communication, job satisfaction, interpersonal relations, conflict, empathy, stress, team
