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Title:Sprostitvene tehnike kot pomoč pri fizioterapevtski obravnavi
Authors:Žnidar, Katja (Author)
Umek, Peter (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Seznanjanje in vključevanje sprostitvenih tehnikah ima pozitivne učinke na izvajanje fizioterapije. Rehabilitacija se doseže hitreje in je bolj učinkovita. Raziskave kažejo, da se ne glede na diagnozo lažje spoprijemamo z iskanjem rešitev in premagovanjem težav, pri čemer je pomembno vsakodnevno, redno in dosledno izvajanje sprostitvenih tehnik. Holističen pristop je tisti, h kateremu mora fizioterapevt težiti. Poznamo različne tehnike sproščanje in na nas je, da izberemo tisto, ki nam najbolj odgovarja. Tehnike sproščanja znižujejo raven kortizola pri pacientih, kar vpliva na zmanjšanje somatskih in subjektivnih doživljanj stresa. Pomembna prednost sprostitvenih tehnik je v njihovi neinvazivnosti. Poleg tega imamo pri njihovem izvajanju občutek samokontrole. Ena izmed njihovih prednosti je neločljiva povezanost med hkratnim učinkom na telo in duha. Tako vpliva na nas celostno. Ne glede na izbiro sprostitvene tehnike, mora biti pri vseh vzpostavljen pravilen dihalni vzorec. Dejstvo je, da slabe dihalne navade zmanjšujejo pretok kisika in ogljikovega dioksida v in iz telesa. Posledica tega se kaže v našem težjem spoprijemanju s stresnimi situacijami. Zaradi nepravilnega dihanja je možna večja izpostavljenost k anksioznosti, napadom panike, depresiji, mišični napetosti, glavobolu in vsesplošni utrujenosti. Navedeno lahko vpliva na pacienta in njegovo zbranost ter interes za sodelovanje, kar bi lahko ogrozilo fizioterapevtsko obravnavanje za boljši izid zdravljenja. Zato poznavanje tehnik sproščanja in predstavitev le-teh pacientu omogoča kvalitetnejše delo in boljši rezultat same fizioterapevtske obravnave.
Keywords:sprostitvene tehnike, sprostitev, mišična napetost, stres, obvladovanje stresa
Year of publishing:2021
COBISS_ID:50985987 Link is opened in a new window
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Secondary language

Title:Relaxation techniques as aid in physiotherapeutic treatment
Abstract:Informing about and including relaxation techniques in the process of physiotherapy has positive effects on it. Full rehabilitation is achieved sooner and is more effective. Research shows that an individual, regardless of their diagnosis, will more easily confront their problems and look for solutions if they are daily, regularly, and consistently exercising relaxation techniques. The holistic approach is the one a physiotherapist should strive for. There are various relaxation techniques, and it is an individual’s duty to choose the one they are most pleased with. Relaxation techniques are known for lowering cortisol levels, which consequently decrease somatic and subjective experiences of stress. One of the most important advantages of relaxation techniques is that they are non-invasive. Relaxation techniques give an individual a feeling of self-control while they are being practiced. Another one of their advantages is an unbreakable simultaneous effect on the body and the spirit, in other words the effect they have on an individual is absolute. The final objective of a relaxation technique, whichever is chosen, is to establish a correct breathing pattern. It is known that bad breathing habits reduce the flow of oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out of the body and the consequences are seen in an individual’s inability to deal with stressful situations. An incorrect breathing pattern may lead to anxiety, panic attacks, depression, muscle tension, headaches, and all-round feeling of tiredness. All these elements affect the work of a physiotherapist. Knowing about and introducing relaxation techniques to a patient leads to work of higher quality and better physiotherapeutic results.
Keywords:relaxation techniques, relaxation, muscular tension, stress, stress management
