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Title:MEPI : aktivno preživljanje prostega časa za mlade
Authors:ID Nahtigal, Klavdija (Author)
ID Podgornik, Nevenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Nahtigal_Klavdija_i2015.pdf (1,60 MB)
MD5: 3C19B1EBE000804079606614FC6B02D4
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Danes je vse več mladih, ki se izgubljajo v tem sodobnem svetu. Zakaj? Globalizacija prinaša veliko dobrega in še več slabega. Prinaša nam moderno tehnologijo, ki nam pomaga pri raznih kompleksnih težavah ob opravljanju vsakodnevnega dela, a po drugi strani posega v našo zasebno življenje in s tem v naš prosti čas. Vse preveč mlade populacije preživlja svoj prosti čas pred računalnikom, televizijo, iPadom ali telefonom. Kakšne spremembe prinaša sodobna tehnologija za otroke in mladino, vidimo šele danes po dobrih dvajsetih letih uporabe sodobnega računalnika. Sodobni računalnik ni namenjen samo reševanju zapletenih nalog, ampak tudi igranju iger, poslušanju glasbe, učenju kitare, virtualnemu komuniciranju, gledanju filmov itd. In prav vse to je privedlo do sprememb v razvoju družbe. Mladi tako rekoč nimajo želje oz. interesa, da bi se zabavali izven svoje sobe, ker jim je lažje, da se zabavajo za računalnikom. Ne čutijo potrebe po fizičnih stikih z vrstniki, ker imajo mnogo več virtualnih stikov prek raznih elektronskih naprav, pa čeprav z večino izmed njih niso nikoli spregovorili ali jih fizično videli. Vse te spremembe negativno vplivajo na njihov osebnostni razvoj, kar se kaže v njihovi psihični in fizični podobi. Posledice so vse bolj krute in neomajne. Mladi izgubljajo pristen odnos do človeka, postajajo nesamozavestni, imajo nizko samopodobo in slabe življenjske navade ter postajajo vse bolj nestrpni in agresivni, skratka imajo vse pogoje, da resno fizično ali psihično zbolijo. Ker so mladi vedno bili in bodo tudi v prihodnosti steber družbe, jim želimo pomagati. Zato želimo, da ozavestijo problem vpliva sodobne tehnologije na njihov razvoj in jim tako ponujamo različne rešitve. Ena od teh je tudi program MEPI, ki mladim omogoča, da opravljajo različne dejavnosti, s katerimi pridobijo nova znanja, veščine in izkušnje, ki bi jim pomagali v nadaljnjem življenju. Šele ko bodo opremljeni z vsemi potrebnimi orodji za nadaljnje življenje, bodo na svojo pot stopili samozavestno, brez strahu in z boljšo samopodobo.
Keywords:globalizacija, moderna tehnologija, prosti čas, osebnostni razvoj, posledice, bolezni, program MEPI, neformalno izobraževanje, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Nahtigal]
Year of publishing:2015
Year of performance:2015
Number of pages:46 str., [62] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-7981 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4361723 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:28.07.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:A growing number of young people are getting lost in this modern world. The question is – why? The globalization brings a lot of good things but even more bad ones. It brings us modern technology, which helps us with solving different complex problems of our daily work, but on the other hand influences on our personal life and by that on our leisure time. Too many young people spend their leisure time in front of computers or television, on iPads or mobile phones. What type of changes the modern technology has brought for children and young people could not be seen until now, i.e. after nearly twenty years of modern computer usage. The function of modern computer is not only to solve complicated tasks, but also to play videogames, listen to the music, learn how to play a guitar, virtually communicate, watch films etc. And all that combined has led to changes in the development of the society. Young people have practically no desire or interest to amuse themselves outside of their room, because it is easier for them to have fun behind a computer. They have no need for physical contacts with their peers, because they have much more virtual contacts via electronic gadgets, even though they have not spoken to most of them nor actually seen them. All these changes have a negative effect on their personal development, which can be seen in their psychological and physical appearance. The consequences are more and more cruel and steadfast. Young people do not establish genuine relationships with the others, they are becoming insecure, have a low self-esteem and bad living habits and are becoming increasingly intolerant and aggressive. In short, they have all the preconditions for a serious physical or mental illness. We want to help them as the young have always been and will be a pillar of the community. Therefore we want them to become aware of the influence of modern technology on their development and would like to offer them different solutions. One of them is also the MEPI programme, which gives young people an opportunity to carry out different activities, through which they acquire new knowledge, skills and experiences that will help them in their further life. Only when they will be equipped with all the tools needed for their later life, they will be able to confidently, fearlessly and better self-esteem.
