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Title:Vpliv notranjega lastništva zaposlenih na motivacijo za delo : magistrska naloga študijskega programa druge stopnje
Authors:ID Štorgel, Lidija (Author)
ID Prijon, Lea (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Storgel_Lidija_i2017.pdf (2,22 MB)
MD5: 882F28F4E366A161F8BECE53D1D0EF8E
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Za uspešnost in konkurenčnost podjetja in njegov dolgoročni obstoj, je pomemben človeški kapital. A, da posameznik sploh opravlja delo in obveznosti, pa tudi, da so slednje vestno in dobro opravljene, mora imeti določene vzgibe in motivacijo. Zato je ključno, da podjetja skrbijo za motiviranost zaposlenih, saj taki zaposleni delajo bolje in več, ker se čutijo bolj pripadajoče podjetju in s tem tudi odgovornejše za (ne)uspeh slednjega. Notranje lastništvo v podjetjih upošteva te lastnosti in z vključevanjem zaposlenih v lastniško strukturo omogoča, da zaposleni vidijo v svojem delu večji smisel. Obstajajo različni sistemi, ki nudijo tovrstno prakticiranje v podjetjih, pri čemer je najuporabnejši sistem ESOP, ki je bil najprej uveljavljen v ZDA. Zadnja leta pa je moč opaziti porast notranjega lastništva tudi v Evropi. Slovenija zakonsko s politiko davčnih olajšav spodbuja notranje lastništvo, vendar je na tem področju še premalo storjenega. Obstajajo številni zakoni, ki podpirajo takšno prasko lastništva, vendar so slednji nedovršeni. Poleg tega v Sloveniji delujejo številna zdruţenja, ki opozarjajo na pozitivne vplive lastništva zaposlenih na motivacijo. Na tem področju so bile opravljene številne raziskave, ki sicer priznavajo pozitiven vpliv, vendar ni vidna jasna vzorčna povezava. S kvalitativno raziskavo v nalogi smo ugotovili, da pozitivna povezava med lastništvom zaposlenih in motivacijo resnično obstaja, ni pa lastništvo nujen faktor za dodatno motivacijo pri delu. Pomembne so razne spodbude s strani podjetij zaposlenim, kot je na primer moţnost osebnega razvoja.
Keywords:notranje lastništvo, motivacija, zaposleni, človeški kapital, zakonodaja, magistrske naloge
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:[L. Štorgel]
Year of publishing:2017
Year of performance:2017
Number of pages:69 str., [11] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8021 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:20053251 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:28.07.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:For company success is human capital important so company can be able to compete on the market and stay long-lasting. That an indviudal does something, it must have therefore a specific impulse, because without motivation he will not do his work well. It is necessary that company works on good motivation for companies employees. Employee works better and more, if he consider that he belongs to company and that his work is appreciated so he can identify himself with the success of the company. Internal ownership in companies takes into account those characteristics and with the involvement of employees in the ownership struckture permits employees to see their work in greater meaning. There are various systems that provide this kind of practice in companies. Among the most usefull is the system ESOP. System was first used in Amerika. The last few years show an increase of employee onwership in Europe. Slovenia has enacted a policy of tax incentives which successfully promotes employee ownership, but it's still not done enough on this field. There are various laws that support such structure of internal ownership, but they are also inexact. Slovenia has numbers of societies which are warning that employee ownership has positive effect on motivation. There were also done a lot of studies on this field which recognize the positive impact , but there is no clear correlation between them. With qualitative research used in this study, we have concluded that there is really a positive connection between employee ownership and motivation, but employee ownership is not necessary a factor for making employees more motivated for work. Important are various companys incentives like opportunity for personal development.
