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Title:Psihosocialna pomoč vedenjsko težavnim otrokom in njihovim staršem : magistrska naloga
Authors:ID Vernik, Nastja (Author)
ID Rakovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Vernik_Nastja_i2020.pdf (868,79 KB)
MD5: AC4A406C769E4F63B067461788C890F2
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Magistrska naloga se osredotoča predvsem na psihosocialno pomoč, njen namen in pomen. Prav tako v nalogi razmišljamo, kako lahko psihosocialna pomoč pomaga otrokom z vedenjskimi težavami. V raziskavo smo vključili tako vedenjsko težavne otroke kakor starše in tudi šolske delavce (učitelji, šolska psihologinja). Naloga je razdeljena na teoretični in empirični del. Teoretični del zajemajo trije večji sklopi, in sicer prvi sklop je psihosocialna pomoč, drugi sklop so otroci in zadnji, tretji sklop zajema starše. V prvem sklopu je opisana psihosocialna pomoč, kaj zajema, kdo so svetovalci, kaj je svetovanje in svetovalni pogovor, kako se svetuje otroku, ter opisana je tudi kognitivno-vedenjska teorija oziroma svetovanje po kognitivno-vedenjskem pristopu. Drugi sklop opisuje vedenjske težave otrok, in sicer kdaj se začnejo pri otroku pojavljati težave, kako se te težave kažejo, kakšne so lahko vedenjske težave in kako se lahko najlažje in najučinkoviteje spoprimemo z vedenjskimi težavami otrok. V zadnji sklop so zajeti starši. V tem sklopu obravnavamo vzgojne stile oziroma sloge in tudi enakopravnost staršev, postavljanje mej ter spoštovanje med partnerji, kar je izjemnega pomena za nadaljnjo vzgojo otrok. V empiričnem delu teorijo povežemo s praktičnimi primeri, v našem primeru so to polstrukturirani intervjuji z učiteljicami in šolsko psihologinjo. V intervjujih nas je predvsem zanimalo, kako se učiteljice in šolska psihologinja spoprijemajo z vedenjsko težavnimi otroki, kakšne so po njihovem mnenju vedenjske težave otrok in kako obravnavajo otroka z vedenjsko težavnimi vzorci ter kakšno je sodelovanje s starši. Na koncu smo še poizvedovali, ali so zaposleni na šoli seznanjeni z obliko pomoči, imenovano psihosocialne pomoč. V nalogi smo prišli do spoznanj, da je otroku potrebno postaviti meje, saj se mu na ta način ne škoduje. Pri raziskovanju poznavanja pomena psihosocialne pomoči, smo ugotovili, da le ta med zaposlenimi na osnovni šoli še ni ravno razširjena. Kot končni sklep smo podali ugotovitev, da bi psihosocialna pomoč koristila otrokom v šoli, saj bi na ta način lahko sproščali svoj stres, tesnobo, napetost, frustracije, agresijo in vse kar jih pesti.
Keywords:psihosocialna pomoč, kognitivno-vedenjsko svetovanje, starši, otroci, postavljanje mej, vedenjske težave, magistrske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Vernik]
Year of publishing:2020
Year of performance:2020
Number of pages:66 str., [18] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8148 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:56504323 New window
Note:Študijski program Psihosocialna pomoč;
Publication date in ReVIS:13.08.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:The master thesis focuses mainly on psychosocial support, its purpose and meaning. In the thesis we are also thinking about how psychosocial support helps children with behavioral problems. In the research we included children with behavioral problems as well as their parents and school workers – teachers, the school psychologist. The thesis is divided into two parts - the theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part includes three bigger sections. The first section is psychological support, the second are children and the last, third section includes parents. In the first section we describe psychological support, what it includes, who are the counselors, what is counseling and a counseling session, how to counsel a child. The cognitive-behavioral theory or counseling by the cognitive-behavioral approach, is also described. The second section describes behavioral problems with children, when problems start to occur, how problems show, what kind of behavioral problems we know about and how we effectively cope with children who have behavioral problems. In the last section we include parents. In this part we describe parenting styles, parent equality, setting boundaries and respect between partners, which is significant for the upbringing. In the empirical part we link the theory with practical examples, in our case these are half-structured interviews with teachers and the school psychologist. In these interviews we were interested in how teachers and the school psychologist cope with children that have behavioral problems, what kind of behavioral problems the children have and how they treat a child with behavioral problems. We were also interested in the cooperation with parents, to which extent they are willing to cooperate, if at all. In the end we enquired if the school employees are familiar with psychosocial support. In this master thesis we came to the finding that a child needs boundaries. While researching how well known the term psychosocial support is, we came to the conclusion that is not well known between primary school employees. Our final conclusion is that psychosocial support would benefit children in schools because it could release stress, anxiety, tension, frustration, aggression and everything else bothering them.
