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Title:Politika raznolikosti v organih upravljanja
Authors:Šilc, Jan (Author)
Ahlin Doljak, Sara (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Final reflection paper
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Raznolikost, tudi različnost, drugačnost je ena izmed značilnih lastnosti človeške rase. Gre za skupek vseh lastnosti, po katerih se ljudje med seboj razlikujemo. To je množica individualnih razlik, ki nas delajo edinstvene in neponovljive v primerjavi z drugimi ljudmi. V sodobnem družbenem okolju je raznolikost postala izredno pomembna vrednota, ki jo je treba v največji možni meri varovati. Vse večji pomen znotraj poslovnih okvirjev dobiva t. i. menedžment raznolikosti in vključenosti (angl. diversity & inclusion). Upravljanje raznolikosti pomeni dosledno izvajanje načela enakih možnosti. Je del upravljanja s človeškimi viri v organizaciji; po merilih sodobnega poslovanja je najvišja vrednost v ljudeh samih – uspešni kadri so generatorji visoke dodane vrednosti. Upravljanje raznolikosti pomembno vpliva na organizacijo dela in ljudi, ki so z njo povezani, saj je raznolikost prisotna v vsakem delovnem okolju in na vsakem delovnem mestu. Namen naloge je tako predstaviti upravljanje spolne raznolikosti na ravni Evropske unije in Slovenije. Ugotovimo lahko, da je razlikovanje med spoloma znotraj upravnih odborov podjetij na eni strani nepravično, na drugi strani pa zavira gospodarsko uspešnost podjetij. Na podlagi preučenih virov menim, da bi moral biti pristop k zagotavljanju spolne raznolikosti v organih upravljanja bolj celovit in pregleden ter da bi ga morala Evropska unija močneje regulirati, saj le raznoliko delovno okolje lahko zagotovi največji gospodarski napredek posamezne družbe.Diversity, also variety, difference is one of the characteristic features of the human race. It is a multitude of individual differences that make us unique and unrepeatable compared to the other people. In the modern social environment, diversity has become an extremely important value that needs to be protected as much as possible. Within the business framework diversity & inclusion management is gaining more and more importance. Diversity management means the consistent implementation of the principle of equal opportunities. It is part of the organization’s human resource management; by the standards of modern business, the highest value is in the people themselves - successful employees are generators of high added value. Diversity management has a significant impact on the organization of work and the people associated with it, as diversity is present in every work environment and in every workplace. The purpose of this thesis is to present the management of sexual diversity at the level of the European Union and Slovenia. It can be concluded that the distinction between the sexes within the boards of directors of companies is, on the one hand, unfair and, on the other hand, hinders the economic performance of companies. Based on the sources examined, I believe that the approach to ensuring gender diversity in governing bodies should be more comprehensive and transparent, and strongly regulated by the European Union, as only a diverse working environment can ensure the greatest economic progress for an individual company
Keywords:raznolikost, politika raznolikosti, organi upravljanja, spolne kvote, neenakopravnost
Year of publishing:2021
Publisher:[J. Šilc]
COBISS_ID:91276803 Link is opened in a new window
Note:Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 28. 12. 2021;
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