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Title:Fleksibilna oblika zaposlitve : delo na domu
Authors:ID Mevc, Alma (Author)
ID Ahlin Doljak, Sara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Mevc_Alma_i2021.pdf (1011,28 KB)
MD5: 58CF7C6A37A133001E42A7A724437F73
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:V magistrskem delu je obravnavano delo na domu, kot ena izmed oblik fleksibilne zaposlitve. Delo na domu ne predstavlja nekega zgolj začasnega trenda, temveč postaja ena izmed oblik dela, ki se bo v prihodnosti vse pogosteje pojavljala. Tako v državah v razvoju kot tudi v razvitem svetu se delo na domu v zadnjih letih vse bolj uveljavlja. Tudi v slovenski zakonodaji je institut delo na domu urejen že dlje časa. Temeljni pravni vir, ki v Republiki Sloveniji ureja delo na domu, je Zakon o delovnih razmerjih. Pomembna novost, ki je bila leta 2013 uvedena z novim Zakonom o delovnih razmerjih, je ta, da lahko sedaj delavec zgolj del delovnega časa opravlja delo na domu. Delo na domu omogočajo različne oblike dela, ki jih delavci lahko opravljajo na svojem domu ali v drugih prostorih, ki so izven delovnih prostorov delodajalca. Od ostalih oblik zaposlovanja se delo na domu razlikuje v kraju opravljanja dela. Med delo na domu uvrščamo tudi delo na daljavo, kjer delavec pri opravljanju dela uporablja informacijsko-komunikacijsko tehnologijo. Vzroki za opravljanje dela na domu so različni. Delo na domu predstavlja eno izmed pravnih področij, ki se je v preteklosti precej hitro spreminjalo, kar velja še danes. Za nadaljnji razvoj dela na domu so nenehne spremembe na tem področju nujne.
Keywords:fleksibilnost, delo na daljavo, delo na domu, zaposlovanje, kraj opravljanje dela
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:[A. Mevc]
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (71 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8576 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:78871555 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 3. 10. 2021;
Publication date in ReVIS:30.12.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:This thesis deals with working at home as one of the flexible forms of working. Working at home does not represent only a temporary trend. Instead, it is becoming one of the work forms that will become more common in the future. In recent years, homeworking has become increasingly popular in developed countries and also in developing countries. The institute of working at home has also been regulated in Slovenian legislation for a long time. In the Republic of Slovenia, the basic legal source that regulates homeworking is the Employment Relationship Act. An important improvement which was presented in 2013 by the Employment Relationship Act is that an employee can work part-time at home and part-time at the company%s premises. Working at home is possible by different forms of work that employees can perform at their home or at other places that are not part of the work premises of the employer. Working at home is different from other forms of work because of its working environment. Working at home also includes teleworking where an employee uses information and communication technology for working. Reasons for working at home can be verThis thesis deals with working at home as one of the flexible forms of working. Working at home does not represent only a temporary trend. Instead, it is becoming one of the work forms that will become more common in the future. In recent years, homeworking has become increasingly popular in developed countries and also in developing countries. The institute of working at home has also been regulated in Slovenian legislation for a long time. In the Republic of Slovenia, the basic legal source that regulates homeworking is the Employment Relationship Act. An important improvement which was presented in 2013 by the Employment Relationship Act is that an employee can work part-time at home and part-time at the company%s premises. Working at home is possible by different forms of work that employees can perform at their home or at other places that are not part of the work premises of the employer. Working at home is different from other forms of work because of its working environment. Working at home also includes teleworking where an employee uses information and communication technology for working. Reasons for working at home can be very different. Working at home is one of the fields of law that has changed quite rapidly in the past and has still been changing today. To continue working at home constant changes in this area are necessary. y different. Working at home is one of the fields of law that has changed quite rapidly in the past and has still been changing today. To continue working at home constant changes in this area are necessary.
