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Title:Podoba globalnega sveta : spopad ali sodelovanje med civilizacijami
Authors:ID Pavić, Sabina (Author)
ID Tomšič, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Pavic_Sabina_i2022.pdf (1,41 MB)
MD5: 65BFE688A042E3E01C7B7A3F52AA07EC
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V pričujočem magistrskem delu predstavimo tisto, kar je Samuel Huntington v svoji knjigi »Spopad civilizacij« leta 1996 ovrednotil kot »Zahodno« in »nezahodno«, z grožnjo neizogibnega trka v prihodnosti, ki bo nastal zaradi kulturnih razlik med njima. V raziskavi smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo zajemanja dejstev in SWOT-analizo, namenjeno iskanju prednosti, slabosti, priložnosti in nevarnosti (angl. strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), ki jih prinaša trk Zahoda, ki sloni na materialističnih vrednotah, z bolj duhovno filozofijo, ki temelji na principu jin-jang, ki stremi k harmoničnemu delovanju in se danes postavlja s konfucijanstvom in moderno Kitajsko v boju za prevlado načel kot tudi ekonomske uspešnosti. Obstajata torej dve drži, fundamentalistična, ki temelji na tradicionalnih vrednotah tudi s svojo ekstremnostjo, ko gre za ohranitev in obrambo neke kultura in vere, in sekularizirana moderna zahodnost v globaliziranem svetu. Ne obstajata več »tukaj« in »tam«, temveč le globalna vas, kjer je nova Svilna pot splet z naraščajočo globalno trgovino vseh z vsemi, ki ji vlada »vesternizirana nasilna kultura«. Demografske pretnje eksponentno rastočega prebivalstva prinašajo vedno večje razlike in grozečo revščino v državah v razvoju, kar spodbuja migracije, ki potekajo proti razvitemu severu in zahodu in iz vasi v mesta. Tehnološki napredek prinaša višji standard kot tudi vedno bolj onesnaženo okolje, kar le polagoma pridobiva na pomenu kot največja pretnja prihodnosti globalne civilizacije. Monoteizmi, bipolarnost in onesnaženje so danes tiste realne grožnje za nastanek globalne civilizacije, ki naj bi temeljila na dialogu strpnosti in sodelovanju različnih v boju za demokratične vrednote, ki so kulturno in civilizacijsko utemeljene (človekove pravice). Mir se ne bo ohranil, če se velika večina človeštva ne združi v njegovo obrambo in si dokaže, da zmore odbiti barbarske in atavistične sile. Živimo v »družbi tveganja«, kot trdi Ulrich Beck (1986 v Tomšič 2009).
Keywords:fundamentalizem, sekularizacija, vesternizacija, kultura, monoteizem, magistrske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Pavić]
Year of publishing:2022
Year of performance:2022
Number of pages:104, [7] str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9509 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:125539843 New window
Note:Študijski program Medkulturni menedžment;
Publication date in ReVIS:06.01.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The image of the global world: clash or cooperation between civilizations : magistrska naloga
Abstract:In the present master's thesis, we present what Samuel Huntington evaluated in his book "Clash of Civilizations" in 1996 as "Western" and "non-Western", with the threat of an inevitable collision in the future, which will arise due to cultural differences between them. In the research, we used a descriptive method of gathering facts and a SWOT analysis, aimed at finding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges brought by the collision of the West, which is based on materialistic values, with a more spiritual philosophy based on the principle of yin-yang, which strives for harmonious operation and stands today with Confucianism and modern China in the struggle for the supremacy of principles as well as economic success. There are therefore two attitudes, the fundamentalist, which is based on traditional values even with its extremity, which is about the preservation and defense of a certain culture and religion, and the secularized modern West in a globalized world. There is no more "here" and "there", but only a global village, where the new Silk Road is intertwined with the growing global trade of everyone with everyone ruled by a "westernized culture of violence". The demographic threats of an exponentially growing population bring ever-widening disparities to looming poverty in developing countries, fueling migration towards the developed north and west and from villages to cities. Technological progress brings a higher standard as well as an increasingly polluted environment, which is only slowly gaining importance as the greatest threat to the future of global civilization. Monotheism, bipolarity and pollution are today the real threats to the creation of a global civilization, which should be based on a dialogue of tolerance and the cooperation of different people in the fight for democratic values that are culturally and civilizationally based (human rights). Peace will not be maintained unless the great majority of humanity unites in its defense and proves that it can repel barbarous and atavistic forces. We live in a "risk society", as claimed by Ulrich Beck (1986 in Tomšič 2009).
