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Title:Preobremenitvene poškodbe vrhunskih športnikov in fizioterapevtska obravnava
Authors:ID Jerman Bukavec, Aja (Author)
ID Kresal, Friderika (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 1774$$diplomska_naloga_aja_jerman_koncna_verzija_2023_(6).pdf (1,20 MB)
MD5: B60E791DC234E5A393046F6ACD3BDF12
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Preobremenitvene poškodbe so sestavni del vrhunskega športa in nastanejo kot posledica pretreniranosti športnika. Za uspešno fizioterapevtsko obravnavo moramo sprva razumeti sam mehanizem nastanka poškodbe ter pravilno zbrati, oceniti simptome in klinične znake. V zaključnem delu smo na podlagi sistematičnega pregleda opisali in zbrali podatke o preobremenitvenih poškodbah, dejavnikih tveganja in vidikih fizioterapevtske obravnave. Ugotovljena je bila največja učinkovitost športno specifičnih preventivnih kinezioterapevtskih programov, ki zmanjšujejo možnosti za nastanek preobremenitvenih poškodb. Pregled literature je pokazal, da lahko poznavanje dejavnikov tveganja vpliva na zmanjšanje preobremenitvenih poškodb, saj lahko dejavnike odpravimo. Dejavniki tveganja tako pomembno vplivajo na športnikovo psihofizično pripravljenost. Ugotovili smo, da športniki, ki se uspešno soočajo s psihološkim pritiskom, dosegajo boljše rezultate. Pri oblikovanje smernic o najuspešnejši fizioterapevtski obravnavi priporočamo nadaljnje in obsežnejše raziskave, ki bodo zajemale posamezne športe. Prav tako priporočamo posebej raziskati individualne in posamezne športe. Menimo, da bi bilo ključnega pomena več pozornosti posvetiti izključnoraziskovanju vrhunskega športa, saj je to področje glede na pomembno vlogo vrhunskih športnikov premalo raziskano.Športni spekter zajema veliko populacijo ljudi, tako mladih kot odraslih športnikov, splošnih napotkov pa je malo. Prav tako se je vsakemu športu potrebno posvetiti posamezno in tako opredeliti ustrezne rešitve, kar pa predstavlja kar veliko težavnost saj gre za manjšo populacijo ljudi kot so izključno vrhunski športniki. S pomočjo poglobljenih raziskav jim lahko olajšamo delo in pridobimo več osnovnih smernic za ustreznejšo in uspešnejšo obravnavo.
Keywords:Preobremenitvene poškodbe, fizioterapevtska obravnava, vrhunski športniki, preobremenitveni sindrom, športne poškodbe, dejavniki tveganja
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9857 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:169095683 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:25.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Overuse injuries in elite athletes and physiotherapy treatment
Abstract:Overuse injuries are an important part of elite sport and occur as a result of an athlete being overtrained. Successful physiotherapy treatment requires an initial understanding of the mechanism of injury itself, as well as the correct collection, assessment of symptoms and clinical signs. In conclusion, a systematic review was conducted to describe and collect data on overuse injuries, risk factors and aspects of physiotherapy treatment. Sport-specific preventive kinesiotherapy programmes were found to be most effective in reducing the chances of overuse injuries. The literature review showed that knowledge of risk factors can have an impact on the reduction of overuse injuries, as factors can be eliminated. Risk factors have a significant impact on an athlete's psychophysical condition. We have found that athletes who cope well with psychological pressure perform better. Further and more extensive sport-specific research is recommended in order to develop guidelines on the most successful physiotherapy treatment. We also recommend that individual and sport-specific research is undertaken. We believe that it would be crucial to focus more attention exclusively on research in elite sport, as this area is under-researched given the important role of elite athletes. The sport spectrum covers a large population of people, both young and adult athletes, and there is little general guidance. It is also necessary to look at each sport individually in order to identify appropriate solutions, which is difficult as the population of people involved is smaller than that of exclusively elite athletes. In-depth research can make their job easier and provide more basic guidelines for more appropriate and successful treatment.
Keywords:Overuse injuries, physiotherapy treatment, elite athletes, overuse syndrome, sports injuries, risk factors
