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Title:Literarno novinarstvo in reprezentacija spolov: razumevanje stereotipov v medijskem diskurzu
Authors:ID Čepin, Melita (Author)
ID Golob, Tea (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 3283$$Diplomska_naloga.Melita_Cepin._21.7.2023_final.pdf (2,93 MB)
MD5: 3D5B55C9B3908A51CF556E76A4527648
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi smo osvetlili področje literarnega novinarskega pisanja, ki je pri nas dokaj neizrazito in v tovrstnih delih iskali reprezentacije spolov, ki temeljijo na ideoloških družbenih normah. Izbrali smo zgodbe, ki so nagrajene z Pulitzerjevo nagrado, kajti te predstavljajo vrhunec novinarskega ustvarjanja in so primerne za izhodišče ugotavljanj, ali je tema reprezentacije spolov prisotna pri ustvarjanju vsebin. V analizi smo ugotovili, da imajo tudi najbolj cenjeni novinarji nezavedne predsodke in predstave o spolih, ki se bolj ali manj opazno razkrivajo v njihovem pisanju. Še vedno najdemo prepričanja, da mora biti moški močan, čustveno »stabilen« in neustrašen, ženska pa negujoča, skrbna, pridna in prijazna. Pri analizi smo se sklicevali na kvalitativno družboslovno metodologijo analize teksta in kritično diskurzivno analizo, s katero smo lahko preučevali širši družben kontekst, socialno ekonomske prvine okolja, v katerem tekst nastaja, ter pridobili globlje razumevanje vsebine. Mediji so portal, skozi katerega se oblikuje ali pa utrjuje družbena predstava o sebi in svetu okoli nas in kot takšni imajo moč ter odgovornost ustvarjati vsebine, ki se odmikajo od tradicionalnih nerealnih predstav o vlogi spolov. Stereotipne reprezentacije spolov v medijih povzročajo veliko prikrajšanost vsem spolom, predvsem pa družbenemu napredku in razvoju.
Keywords:spolni stereotipi, medijska reprezentacija spolov, Pulitzerjeva nagrada, literarno novinarstvo, kritična diskurzivna analiza.
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9919 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:15.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Literary Journalism and Gender Representation: Understanding Stereotypes in Media Discourse
Abstract:In the thesis, we showed some insides into the field of literary journalism writing, which is rather inexpressive in the local media world, and we searched for gender representations based on ideological social norms. We chose Pulitzer Prize-winning stories because they represent the highest level of journalistic writing and are suitable as a starting point for determining whether the theme of gender representation is present in the creation of content. In our analysis, we found that even the most respected journalists have unconscious prejudices and ideas about gender that are more or less visible in their writing. We still find beliefs that a man should be firm, emotionally "stable," and fearless, and a woman should be nurturing, caring, well-behaved, and kind. In our analysis, we relied on a qualitative social science methodology of text analysis, critical discourse analysis, which allowed us to examine the broader social context and the socioeconomic elements of the environment in which the text is created and to gain a deeper understanding of the content. The media is the portal through which society's perception of itself and the world around us is shaped or reinforced. As such, it has the power and responsibility to create content that moves away from traditional unrealistic notions of gender roles. Stereotypical representations of gender in the media cause significant disadvantages for all genders, especially regarding social progress and development.
Keywords:Gender stereotypes, media gender representation, Pulitzer prise, literary journalism, Critical Discourse Analysis
