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The complexity of caffeine’s effects on regular coffee consumers
Mateja Lesar, Jakob Sajovic, Dušanka Novaković, Maša Primožič, Eva Vetrih, Martin Sajovic, Anja Žnidaršič, Peter Rogelj, Andreas Daffertshofer, Zoran Levnajić, Gorazd Drevenšek, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: Why does coffee wake us up? Is it because it contains caffeine, or because we are used to it waking us up after drinking it? To answer this question, we recruited twenty habitual coffee drinkers who received either caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee (placebo) in a double-blind, randomized fashion. The two substances were identical except for the presence of caffeine. We measured cognitive performance, cardiovascular responses, and whole-head EEG during rest and during an auditory-oddball task. The same measurements were done before and after ingestion. We expected to find significant differences between caffeine and placebo groups across the outcome measures. However, except for the resting-state alpha power, changes due to ingestion in physiological responses and in cognitive functioning were not significantly different between the two groups. Actually, only one of the three cognitive measures was found to be significantly altered by the ingestion. These findings suggest that regular coffee consumers respond to coffee-like beverages independently of the presence of caffeine.
Keywords: caffeine, decaffeine, ERP, event related potentials (ERP), electroencephalography (EEG), EEG, auditory odball, cognitive performance, resting state EEG
Published in ReVIS: 11.02.2025; Views: 74; Downloads: 0
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Tatjana Iliev, 2024, not set

Abstract: V današnjem času podjetja iščejo nove rešitve, s katerimi bi prispevala k rasti prodaje in povečanju dobička. To je učinkovito mogoče doseči s pomočjo marketinških raziskav, ki skušajo poiskati bolj natančne in učinkovite načine, kako potrošnikom izpolniti njihove želje. Magistrsko delo obravnava teoretična izhodišča nevromarketinga, nevrologije in vedenje potrošnikov. Analizirali smo vlogo nevromarketinga pri prepoznavanju preferenc potrošnikov, predstavili orodja, na katerih temeljijo študije nevromarketinga, predvsem pa v empiričnem delu raziskave poskusili prikazati in dokazati, kako pomembna je podzavest pri nakupnih odločitvah potrošnikov. Raziskava je bila opravljena na vzorcu 20 udeležencev, med katerimi je bilo sedem moških in 13 žensk.
Keywords: nevromarketing, EEG, P300, Unicorn Hybrid Black, nakupno vedenje.
Published in ReVIS: 04.12.2024; Views: 214; Downloads: 6
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Automatic reconstruction of complex dynamical networks : doctoral dissertation
Marc Grau Leguia, 2019, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: A foremost problem in network science is how to reconstruct (infer) the topology of a real network from signals measured from its internal units. Grasping the architecture of complex networks is key, not only to understand their functioning, but also to predict and control their behaviour. Currently available methods largely focus on the detection of links of undirected networks and often require strong assumptions about the system. However, many of these methods cannot be applied to networks with directional connections. To address this problem, in this doctoral work we focus at the inference of directed networks. Specifically, we develop a model-based network reconstruction method that combines statistics of derivative-variable correlations with simulated annealing. We furthermore develop a data-driven reconstruction method based on a nonlinear interdependence measure. This method allows one to infer the topology of directed networks of chaotic Lorenz oscillators for a subrange of the coupling strength and link density. Finally, we apply the data-driven method to multichannel electroencephalographic recordings from an epilepsy patient. The functional brain networks obtained from this approach are consistent with the available medical information.
Keywords: network reconstruction, simulated annealing, dynamical systems, nonlinear interdependence measure, EEG, doctoral dissertation
Published in ReVIS: 19.04.2019; Views: 3213; Downloads: 150
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