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Status Kosova v mednarodni skupnosti : diplomsko delo
Uroš Vukosavljević, 2020, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: O statusu Kosova je bilo že veliko povedanega in čeprav je ta določen s konkretnimi mednarodnimi pogodbami, je kljub temu v širši javnosti še vedno sporno, ali gre za neodvisno državo, južno srbsko pokrajino ali mednarodni protektorat. Takšen položaj vpliva na kakovost življenja ljudi na Kosovu, zavira ekonomski in politični razvoj Srbije ter sosednih držav, spodkopava avtoriteto mednarodnega prava in ustvarja ploden teren za geopolitične igre velikih sil. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti status Kosova, kot ga določajo mednarodne pogodbe, ter oceniti, ali Kosovo v takšni obliki sploh izpolnjuje kriterije državnosti in ali se lahko na osnovi enostranskih potez oblikuje moderna država v skladu z mednarodnim pravom. Raziskava se zaradi narave tematike skozi celotno nalogo naslanja na razmerja med temeljnimi načeli mednarodnega prava. V nalogi je predstavljen status Kosova v mednarodni skupnosti in ugotovljeno, da Kosovo z enostranskimi potezami ne more postati sodobna suverena država. Pri raziskovanju so bile uporabljene sistematična zgodovinska, deskriptivna, deduktivna, analitična, primerjalna in na koncu sintetična metoda. Prihodnji status Kosova bo pomemben predvsem zaradi njegove vloge v ekonomskem povezovanju na Balkanu in širitvi evroatlantskega vojaško-političnega prostora, način njegove določitve pa bo postavil standarde za prihodnja reševanja tako zapletenih primerov.
Keywords: Kosovo, Srbija, mednarodno pravo, mednarodna skupnost, oploditev samskih žensk
Published in ReVIS: 16.02.2021; Views: 1856; Downloads: 125
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The development of real estate management and infrastructure market in Kosovo : diploma thesis
Drini Grazhdani, 2015, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: On the selected topic of The Development of Real Estate Management and Infrastructure Market in Kosovo, I was mainly focused on explaining how the real estate market developed in Kosovo, what were the challenges and the triggers that contributed to the development of this market. I also used the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) key component of real estate markets frameworks and applied it to Kosovo context as means to evaluate the current state of development of this mark using key principles of this framework and assessing the extent to which these principles have been applied in Kosovo. The thesis gives an elaborated explanation of the real estate market development before and after the war, and particularly the market disruption caused by the Serbian aggression in Kosovo, including the period of the 90’ when the legal framework governing the property transaction between ethnicities was discriminatory. The thesis looks at the rules and functions that govern the real estate market and explains how these functions were developed in the past 15 years – the post war period in Kosovo.
Keywords: real estate, real estate market, development, real estate recording, register, cadastre, Kosovo
Published in ReVIS: 14.01.2020; Views: 1738; Downloads: 9
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Državno-pravna zgodovina Kosova : diplomsko delo
Nevenka Lučić Stanimirović, 2012, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: Pravna zgodovina, samostojnost države, država Kosovo, Srbi, Albanci, Iliri, Južni Slovani, ZRJ, OZN, Resolucija 1244
Published in ReVIS: 29.05.2019; Views: 2433; Downloads: 127
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Razmerje med temeljnima načeloma mednarodnega prava o integriteti držav in načelom o pravici naroda do samoodločbe ter primer Kosova : diplomsko delo
Urška Florjančič, 2008, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Pravica narodov do samoodločbe daje narodom pravico, da se odcepijo od tuje, nasilne protipravne oblasti, medtem ko obveznost spoštovati nedotakljivost in ozemeljsko celovitost držav narekuje prepoved ogrožanja teritorialne integritete vseh obstoječih neodvisnih, suverenih držav. Vendar, ko se kratijo pravice nekega naroda in njegovi vitalni interesi, je potrebno dati prednost pravici do samoodločbe. V primeru kosovskih Albancev je bil izpolnjen vsak izmed kriterijev, ki naj bi omogočili manjšini pravico do odcepitve, in zato je bila njihova samoodločba upravičena.The right of nations to self-determination gives the nations the right to secede from foreign, violent and unlawful power, while the obligation to respect the territorial integrity of states dictates banning of endagering of the territorial integrity of all existen independent states. However, when rights of a certain nation and its vital interests are violated, it is important to give advantage to the right of self-determination. Every criteria of secession was fulfilled in case of Kosovo Albanians and that is why theri self-determination was justified.
Keywords: samoodločba, državna integriteta, odcepitev, Kosovo
Published in ReVIS: 21.05.2019; Views: 2699; Downloads: 132
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Bankruptcy proceedings : Kosovo legislation comparing to European union
Alba Boshnjaku, 2016, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: The concept of bankruptcy can be traced back to antiquity but its development as a legal institution is considered to have started once debt recovery became directed towards a debtorʼs estate instead of debtorʼs body, and when the procedure of such recovery became a concern of the state authorities instead of personal arbitration, as it was practiced in primitive societies. A well-developed economy is highly dependent on the efficiency of bankruptcy procedures. Unable to meet their financial obligations, insolvent debtors are forced to file for bankruptcy. The bankruptcy procedure will either give the debtor a fresh start through reorganization, or cease its existence by enforcing liquidation measures. Noting the importance of this subject matter as a vital element of domestic and global markets, it is a must for each country to regulate bankruptcy proceedings by adopting an effective legal and institutional framework. This paper provides an in-depth research on legislative and institutional framework of bankruptcy systems implemented both in Kosovo and in European Union. It tends to emphasize the flaws of the former Law on Liquidation and Reorganization of Legal Persons in Kosovo and the desperate need to reform the bankruptcy system through efficient legal means. The level of compliance of Kosovoʼs new Law on Bankruptcy with the European Union Regulation on cross-border insolvency is as well put into perspective.
Keywords: bankruptcy, liquidation, debtor, creditor, Kosovo, European union, bachelor thesis
Published in ReVIS: 16.08.2018; Views: 3078; Downloads: 124
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