1. A mixed-methods study of patient and healthcare professional perceptions of care pathways for knee osteoarthritisPika Krištof Mirt, Karmen Erjavec, Sabina Krsnik, Petra Kotnik, Mohsen Hussein, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Background: This study aimed to address research gap concerning the perception of the care pathway for knee osteoarthritis (KOA) patients, focusing on both the patient and health professional perspectives in countries with inefficient health systems, such as Slovenia, by examining patient satisfaction with conservative treatment, assessing the perceptions of both patients and health professionals regarding the latter's involvement, and justifying the chosen KOA treatment approaches.
Methods: A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews with KOA patients (n = 82) and healthcare professionals (n = 68). Results: The care pathway for conservative KOA treatment in Slovenia begins with general practitioners (GPs), who conduct initial examinations, prescribe analgesics, and refer patients to radiologists and orthopaedic surgeons. GPs received high satisfaction ratings (μ = 4.32). Orthopaedic surgeons, who confirm diagnoses and create treatment plans involving physiotherapy, medication, or joint injections, also received high satisfaction scores (μ = 4.47), despite long waiting times. Consultations with radiologists, mentioned less frequently, again received high satisfaction scores (μ = 4.67). Physiotherapists, consulted later, received high satisfaction scores (μ = 4.16) but long waiting times resurfaced. Referrals to rheumatologists occur for systemic diseases or ineffective conservative treatments. Psychologists, occupational therapists, and dieticians are rarely consulted, indicating limited integration into the treatment pathway. A comparison of health professionals' involvement showed that health professionals consider GP involvement less necessary (μ = 2.47) than patients do (μ = 2.82, p = 0.015). The same applies to radiologists (μ = 2.47 vs. μ = 2.87, p = 0.004), reflecting different views on diagnostic imaging. Our qualitative investigation revealed that, due to long waiting times, an alternative care pathway is developing with orthopaedic surgeons as the initial point of contact, bypassing GPs, and highlighted that patients and healthcare professionals differently perceive the latter's treatment roles.
Conclusions: The current conservative KOA care pathway lacks initial lifestyle change advice from the GP, referrals for conservative treatments, and a multidisciplinary team engaged in regular treatment monitoring and adjustment. Our mixed-methods research approach highlighted significant differences in perceptions of the treatment process and the roles of health professionals; the knowledge supplied of those differences should support experts and policymakers to optimise care pathways in Slovenia. Keywords: conservative treatment, health professional involvement, integrated care pathway, knee osteoarthritis, patient satisfaction, Slovenia Published in ReVIS: 24.12.2024; Views: 300; Downloads: 3
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3. VPLIV KOMUNIKACIJE NA FIZIOTERAPEVTOVO POČUTJE NA DELOVNEM MESTUMaša Oblak, 2020, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Namen raziskave je bil proučiti ali uspešna komunikacija pozitivno vpliva na fizioterapevtovo počutje v kolektivu, ali zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu pozitivno vpliva na njihovo vzdušje ter, ali se jim zdi pomembna medosebna komunikacija, saj odločilno vpliva na uspešnost dela. Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 80 fizioterapevtov in študentov fizioterapije. 97,50% anketirancev je menilo, da učinkovita komunikacija v ustanovi pomembno vpliva na lastno motivacijo in dobro počutje. 77 oseb ali 96,20% anketirancev je bilo mnenja, da zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu pozitivno vpliva na vzdušje med zaposlenimi. Na vprašanje ali se jim medosebna komunikacija zdi pomembna, saj odločilno vpliva na uspešnost dela pa se je strinjalo vseh 100% anketirancev. Iz pridobljenih podatkov lahko sklepamo, da je uspešna komunikacija ključnega pomena tako zasebno, predvsem pa na delovnem mestu. Da bomo na delovnem mestu imeli uspešne odnose s sodelavci je potrebno, da smo v komunikaciji z njimi odprti, da odkrito povemo svoje mnenje ter v primeru nesoglasij stvari razčistimo in se pogovorimo. Če se na delovnem mestu pojavijo konflikti ni to nič slabega. Konflikti namreč niso nič drugega kot drugačna mnenja, ki so izražena ob napačnem času in napačnem kraju ob neprimernem tonu sogovornika. V primeru konflikta pa je ključno, da se s pravilno komunikacijo stvari razrešijo. Posledica konflikta pa pripelje do slabega počutja, ki pogosto pogojuje tudi stres, ki ga lahko nehote prenašamo med sodelavce, ki pa so ključni za uspešno opravljeno delo. Zaradi konfliktnega okolja lahko trpi celoten kolektiv, posledično pa tudi kakovost in uspešnost dela. Keywords: komunikacija (communication), zadovoljstvo zaposlenih na delovnem mestu (job satisfaction), medosebni odnosi (interpersonal relations), konflikt (conflict), empatija (empathy), stres (stress), tim (team) Published in ReVIS: 03.07.2020; Views: 3784; Downloads: 376
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5. Factors influencing burnout syndrome phenomenon in social welfare institutions in the Republic of SloveniaLjiljana Leskovic, Gozdana Miglič, Goran Vukovič, Robert Leskovar, 2013, original scientific article Abstract: Factors influencing burnout syndrome phenomenon in social welfare institutions in the Republic of Slovenia Keywords: sindrom izgorevanja, socialnovarstveni zavod, zdravstvena nega, zadovoljstvo z delom, burnout syndrome, social care institutions, health care, work satisfaction Published in ReVIS: 24.02.2017; Views: 4815; Downloads: 174
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