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Authors:Pungerčar, Monika (Author)
Šifrar, Edina (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Ta diplomska naloga se osredotoča na preučevanje povezave med doživljanjem družinskega nasilja v otroštvu ter odvisnostjo od psihoaktivnih substanc v mladostništvu ter v odrasli dobi. Iz življenjskih izkušenj ugotavljamo, da otrok dejanja odraslih dojema na svoj način, lahko drugače kot so bila storjena ali kot je bil prvotni namen staršev. To še posebej velja za situacije, ki vključujejo različne oblike nasilja, kot je fizično ali psihično nasilje v družini. Vse, kar otrok doživlja v svoji družini, ima lahko dolgoročne posledice, ki se odražajo tudi v njegovem kasnejšem življenju. Te izkušnje lahko vplivajo na otrokovo čustveno in psihološko dobrobit ter oblikovanje njegovih vrednot in prepričanj. Poleg tega lahko v nekaterih primerih vplivajo na njegovo kasnejše obnašanje, vključno z možnostjo zlorabe psihoaktivnih substanc kot načinom soočanja s stresom in travmami (Petric 2011). Diplomska naloga obravnava vlogo družinskega nasilja pri izkušnjah mladostnikov in mladih odraslih v zvezi z uporabo psihoaktivnih substanc ter razvijanje strategij za soočanje z doživetimi izkušnjami iz otroštva. Raziskovalna naloga se je izvajala skozi analizo sedmih intervjujev z ljudmi, ki so imeli izkušnje družinskega nasilja in odvisnosti od psihoaktivnih substanc. Rezultati diplomske naloge so pokazali, da je družinsko nasilje močno vplivalo na doživljanje stresa, osamljenosti in strahu pri intervjuvancih, kar je prispevalo k iskanju utehe in obvladovanju stresa prek psihoaktivnih substanc. Ugotovitve so bile v skladu z raziskavami, ki so omenjene skozi celotno nalogo. Te raziskave so povezovale negativne izkušnje iz otroštva in odvisnost od substanc. Poleg tega so intervjuvanci razkrili raznolike strategije za soočanje s travmatičnimi izkušnjami. Nekateri so iskali strokovno pomoč in terapijo, medtem ko so drugi razvijali tehnike za samopomoč, kot so vadba in umetnost. Ugotovitve kažejo na raznolikost poti okrevanja in poudarjajo potrebo po prilagodljivih intervencijah za posameznike. Pomen zgodnjih medsebojnih odnosov na zdrav razvoj posameznika obravnavajo številne psihološke teorije, vsem pa je skupno da vidijo odvisnost kot posledico zgrešeno zadovoljenih temeljnih človekovih potreb, kot je potreba po odnosih. Razlogi za zgodnje travme in stiske, ki izhajajo iz družinskega okolja, zahtevajo poseg v obliki psihoterapevtske obravnave, ki vključuje celotno družino, če je le to možno.
Keywords:nasilje v otroštvu, psihoaktivne substance, travma, odvisnost, psihoterapija
Year of publishing:2023
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Secondary language

Abstract:This thesis focuses on examining the connection between experiencing family violence in childhood and addiction to psychoactive substances in adolescence and adulthood. From life experiences, it is apparent that children perceive adults' actions in their own way, often different from the intended purpose of parents. This is especially true for situations involving various forms of violence, such as physical or psychological violence in the family, verbal abuse, and similar experiences. Everything that a child experiences in their family can have long-term consequences, also reflected in their later life. These experiences can affect the child's emotional and psychological well-being, as well as shape their values and beliefs. Furthermore, in some cases, they can influence their later behavior, including the possibility of abusing psychoactive substances as a way to cope with stress and trauma (Petric 2011). The thesis addresses the role of family violence in the experiences of adolescents and young adults regarding the use of psychoactive substances and the development of strategies to cope with childhood experiences. The research was conducted through the analysis of seven interviews with individuals who had experiences of family violence and addiction to psychoactive substances. The results of the thesis have shown that family violence significantly impacted the experience of stress, loneliness, and fear among the interviewees, contributing to seeking comfort and stress management through psychoactive substances. The findings were in line with the research mentioned throughout the thesis, which linked negative childhood experiences and substance addiction. Additionally, the interviewees revealed various strategies for coping with traumatic experiences. Some sought professional help and therapy, while others developed self-help techniques such as exercise and art. The findings indicate the diversity of recovery paths and emphasize the need for flexible interventions for individuals. The importance of early interpersonal relationships in healthy individual development is addressed by numerous psychological theories, all of which share the view that addiction is a consequence of unmet basic human needs, such as the need for relationships. The reasons for early traumas and distress stemming from the family environment require intervention in the form of psychotherapeutic treatment, involving the entire family, if possible.
Keywords:childhood violence, psychoactive substances, trauma, addiction, psychotherapy
