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Title:Ohranjanje identitete in asimilacija med slovenskimi izseljenkami v Italijo v preteklega pol stoletja
Authors:ID Mikuletič, Jana (Author)
ID Valentinčič, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 6345_Magistrska_naloga_Jana_Mikuletic.pdf (1,41 MB)
MD5: 3706F103A7119E99F1772D05ED7F1027
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Pričujoča magistrska naloga ilustrira obdobja izseljevanja Slovenk v Italijo v preteklega pol stoletja, natančneje v letih med 1946 in 1996. Nanaša se tudi na njihove identitetne transformacije do današnjega dne. Njihova pričevanja, pripovedi in osebni spomini ponazarjajo osebna, intimna in čustvena doživljanja selitve. Naloga nam osvetli njihove različne kraje izselitve, raznovrstne motive za odhod, njihovo udejstvovanje v novem življenjskem okolišu, raznolike izkušnje z asimilacijo in jezikovnimi ovirami v vseh letih njihovega bivanja v Italiji. Glavne ugotovitve naloge so, da so se intervjuvanke preselile predvsem zaradi dela in boljšega zaslužka, sledi ljubezenski razlog, saj so spoznale partnerja Italijana in se zato preselile v Italijo. Tam so se udejstvovale na različne načine, večina si je tam našla delo, se poročila in si ustvarila družino. Na svoje potomce so skoraj vse prenesle slovenski jezik, torej v našem primeru ne drži, da poročene z Italijani jezika na otroke niso prenesle. Malo manj kot polovica intervjuvank meni, da imajo potomci večplastne identitete, torej se danes čutijo Italijane in Slovence, medtem ko v večini same z jasnimi argumenti izrazijo slovensko identiteto tudi po vseh letih življenja v tujini.
Keywords:ženske migracije, Italija, vzroki, asimilacija, vprašanje identitete
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10027 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:24.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Identity preservation and assimilation among Slovenian women emigrants to Italy in the past half century
Abstract:The present master's thesis illustrates the periods of emigration of Slovenian women to Italy in the past half century, more precisely between 1946 and 1996. It also concerns their identity transformations up to the present day. Their testimonies, narratives and personal memories illustrate personal, intimate and emotional experiences of migration. It sheds light on their different places of emigration, their diverse motives for leaving, their engagement with their new living environment, their varied experiences of assimilation and language barriers throughout their years in Italy. The main findings of the thesis are that the interviewees moved mainly for work and to earn better money, followed by a love reason, as they met an Italian partner and consequently moved to Italy. There they pursued their activities in different ways, most of them found work, got married and started a family. Almost all of them passed on the Slovene language to their descendants, so in our case it is not true that those married to Italians did not pass on the language to their children. A little less than half of the interviewees believe that their descendants have multiple identities, i.e. they feel themselves to be both Italian and Slovene today, while the majority of the women themselves express their Slovene identity with clear arguments, even after all the years of living abroad
Keywords:female migration, Italy, causes, assimilation, identity issue
