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Authors:ID Mikič, Nejc (Author)
ID Bračun, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 1870$$nejc_mikic_diplomska.pdf (1,19 MB)
MD5: 7B7AE31985045EE05FD16A5278658F40
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Tinitus je simptom, ki ga označuje zaznava zvoka, ki ni povzročen s strani zunanjega dražljaja. V blažji obliki se pojavlja pri 10–15 odstotkih prebivalstva, v hujši obliki pa pri približno enem odstotku in lahko vodi do nastanka utesnjenosti, depresije ali celo samomora. Strošek zdravljenja tega nadležnega simptoma je ocenjen na 600–1544 EUR, čeprav ga trenutno bolj zakrivamo in ne odpravljamo. Prevladujoča oblika tinitusa je subjektivni tinitus, ki ga zaznava zgolj prizadeta oseba. Somatosenzorna oblika subjektivnega tinitusa je povezana z disfunkcijo vratu ali čeljusti, zato je nanjo s fizioterapijo možno vplivati. Ker trenutno v nobenih smernicah za zdravljenje tinitusa ne omenjajo fizioterapije, smo pregledali znanstveno literaturo na tem področju in ugotovili, da je bilo narejenih več raziskav, ki pričajo o učinkovitosti fizioterapije pri zdravljenju subjektivnega somatosenzornega tinitusa. Obstaja zadostno število kakovostnih randomiziranih raziskav, da lahko trdimo, da fizioterapevtska obravnava s pomočjo KT, manualne terapije, terapije miofascialnih prožilnih točk, laserja in TENS-a lahko pomaga ali celo odpravi somatosenzorno obliko tinitusa. Na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov priporočamo, da se paciente z diagnozo subjektivnega somatosenzornega tinitusa napoti k fizioterapevtu. Za določitev najučinkovitejše možne fizioterapevtske obravnave za zdravljenje pacientov s somatosenzornim tinitusom predlagamo izvedbo več kakovostnih randomiziranih raziskav s tega področja.
Keywords:Tinitus, manualna terapija, fizioterapija
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10113 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:176338435 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:21.11.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Patient with a somatosensory tinnitus and physiotherapy treatment
Abstract:Tinnitus is a symptom characterised by the perception of sound absent from an external stimulus. In its milder form it affects ten to fifteen percent of the general population, while approximately one percent is severely affected and can consequently lead to anxiety, depression or even suicide. Cost of treatment of this annoying symptom is estimated between 600 and 1544€ even though tinnitus treatment is currently centred around masking rather than curing. Tinnitus is largely of subjective nature meaning that it is perceived only by the patient. Somotosensory form of subjective tinnitus is related to the dysfunction of the jaw or neck which can be addressed by physiotherapy. Since current tinnitus treatment guidelines do not mention physiotherapy, we reviewed scientific literature and found studies which confirm effectiveness of physiotherapeutic treatment of subjective somatosensory tinnitus. Although most studies lack quality, there is enough randomized controlled trials to conclude that physiotherapy utilising kinesiotherapy, manual therapy, myofascial trigger point therapy, laser and TENS can help or even resolve somatosensory tinnitus. On the basis of the results of this graduate thesis we recommend that patients with a diagnosis of subjective somatosensory tinnitus are referred to physiotherapist. In order to determine the most efficient physiotherapeutic treatment of patients with somatosensory tinnitus we recommend performing more quality randomized controlled trials on this topic.
Keywords:Tinnitus, manual therapy, physiotherapy
