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Authors:ID Rupret, Janja (Author)
ID Ljubotina, Predrag (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 6488$$Janja_Rupret_lektorirana_tehpreg_15.11_.pdf (859,43 KB)
MD5: D545429510C1D7F63FF347D8FB53E132
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Magistrska naloga predstavlja temeljito študijo dejavnikov uspeha v družinskih podjetjih v Posavju. Naloga je strukturirana v dva glavna sklopa: teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem je podana analiza tuje in domače znanstvene ter strokovne literature. Poglobili smo se v razumevanje družinskih podjetij, njihov pomen in delež na gospodarskem trgu v Evropi in v Sloveniji. Identificirali smo ključne osebe v teh podjetjih ter preučili njihove prednosti in slabosti. Ker so tema naloge družinska podjetja v Posavju, smo temu delu Slovenije namenili poseben del in nekatera posavska družinska podjetja tudi predstavili. Poseben poudarek smo namenili dejavnikom uspeha družinskih podjetij, pri čemer smo se osredotočili na merila uspešnosti in raziskali vlogo nefinančnih meril, kot so zadovoljstvo, motivacija in pripadnost zaposlenih. V empiričnem delu raziskave smo analizirali podatke, ki smo jih pridobili s predhodno oblikovanim anketnim vprašalnikom, ki smo ga objavili na spletni strani 1KA. Anketne vprašalnike smo razdelili med lastnike družinskih podjetij, družinske člane, zaposlene v podjetju ter tiste zaposlene, ki niso del družine, podjetje pa ima sedež v Posavju. S pomočjo socialnih omrežij, ciljnih elektronskih pošt in ustnih dogovorov smo dosegli vzorec 120 končno izpolnjenih anket v obdobju dveh mesecev in pol. Rezultati naše raziskave so odražali kompleksnost dejavnikov uspeha v družinskih podjetjih v Posavju, pri čemer smo pokazali, da se uspešnost podjetij ne kaže le skozi finančne kazalce, temveč tudi skozi zadovoljstvo, motivacijo in predanost zaposlenih.
Keywords:družinsko podjetje, uspešnost, zaposleni, motivacija, pripadnost, delovno mesto, zadovoljstvo
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10130 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:02.12.2023
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Secondary language

Abstract:The master's thesis that we produced represents a thorough study of the factors of success in family businesses in Posavje. The task is structured into two main sections: the theoretical and the empirical part. In the theoretical part, we focused on the analysis of foreign and domestic scientific and professional literature. We deepened our understanding of family businesses, their importance and share in the economic market in Europe and in Slovenia. We identified the key people in these companies and examined their strengths and weaknesses. Since the topic of the task is family businesses in Posavije, we dedicated a special section to this part of Slovenia and also presented some family businesses in Posavije. We paid special attention to the success factors of family businesses, focusing on performance measures and exploring the role of non-financial measures such as employee satisfaction, motivation and belonging. In the empirical part of the research, we analyzed the data we obtained from a previously designed survey questionnaire, which we published on the 1KA website. We distributed the survey questionnaires among family business owners, family members, employees of the company, and those employees who are not part of the family, and the company is based in Posavje. With the help of social networks, targeted emails and verbal agreements, we reached a sample of 120 completed surveys over a period of two and a half months. The results of our research reflected the complexity of success factors in family businesses in Posavje, where we showed that the success of companies is not only reflected through financial indicators, but also through the satisfaction, motivation and commitment of employees.
Keywords:family business, performance, employees, motivation, affiliation, workplace, satisfaction
