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Authors:ID Ferlin, Špela (Author)
ID Rakuša Krašovec, Kristina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Ferlin_Spela_i2024.pdf (2,11 MB)
MD5: 5321F51BD93ED208525AE08A4EBE5751
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Sindrom kratkega črevesa ima zelo kratko in jedrnato definicijo, in sicer se vanjo uvrščajo zgolj pacienti, ki je ostalo samo 150–200 cm funkcionalnega črevesja. Zaenkrat v Sloveniji k sreči trpi za to diagnozo malo pacientov. Pomembna je multidisciplinarna obravnava takega pacienta, v katero so vključene številne veje medicinske in zdravstvene stroke. Vsi vključeni v takšno obravnavo morajo dobro poznati svoje delo. Ključnega pomena za takšne paciente je prehrana, v večini primerov pa so odvisni od parenteralne prehrane do konca življenja. Namen diplomske naloge je bil preučiti zdravstvenovzgojno delo pri pacientu s sindromom kratkega črevesa, osredotočili pa smo se tudi na uporabo parenteralne prehrane in uporabo izločalne stome. Metode: Raziskava je temeljila na kvalitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu in deskriptivni metodi dela. Zbirali smo primarne in sekundarne vire. Zbiranje primarnih podatkov je potekalo s tehniko intervjuvanja. Sekundarno zbiranje podatkov je potekalo s pregledom domače in tuje strokovne literature internetnih podatkovnih baz (PubMed, Coobis, Google Učenjak in Dlib). Rezultati: V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da intervjuvanci niso imeli težav s sprejetjem podane diagnoze sindroma kratkega črevesa, hitro so se soočili in sprejeli to kot dobro, saj so z ugotovitvijo bolezni začeli živeti nekako lažje kot prej. Vsi pacienti uporabljajo parenteralno prehrano zaradi kratkega črevesa in malabsorpcije. Pacienti, ki imajo nameščeno tudi stomo, niso podali večjih problemov. V življenju so se morali prilagoditi in spremeniti dnevne navade, kar jim ni povzročilo hujših težav in s tem živijo celo bolj kakovostno življenje. Razprava: Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da je sindrom kratkega črevesa eden izmed najpogostejših vzrokov za odpoved prebavil. Lahko se pojavi v katerem koli življenjskem obdobju. Je kronična bolezen, zaradi katere pacienti postanejo odvisni od parenteralne prehrane. Nekaterim pacientom je treba narediti stomo zaradi ponavljajočih se vnetij in resekcij v črevesju. Ker lahko za to boleznijo zbolijo tudi že dojenčki, je pomembna vključitev družine v njihovo obravnavo. Ključnega pomena pri tej bolezni predstavljata zdravstvenovzgojno delo in nega, saj je treba paciente poučiti o drugačnem načinu življenja, treba jim je svetovati in jih poučiti o parenteralni prehrani in o negi stome. Ker je pacientov s sindromom kratkega črevesa čedalje več, bi bilo smiselno na primarnem nivoju uvesti delavnice in izobraževanja tako za paciente kot zdravstvene delavce, ki se s takimi pacienti srečujejo na domu.
Keywords:sindrom kratkega črevesa, parenteralna prehrana, medicinska sestra, stoma
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10370 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:187955971 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:06.03.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical background: Short bowel syndrome has a concise definition, including patients with only 150-200 cm of functional bowel left. Fortunately, at present, only a small number of patients in Slovenia suffer from this diagnosis. Multidisciplinary management of such a patient is important, involving many branches of the medical and health professions. All those involved in such treatment need to know their job well. Nutrition is crucial for such patients; in most cases, they depend on parenteral nutrition for the rest of their lives. This thesis aimed to look at the health education of the patient with short bowel syndrome, focusing on the use of parenteral nutrition and the use of an excretory stoma. Methods: The research was based on qualitative and descriptive methods. Primary and secondary sources were collected. Primary data collection was done by interview technique. Secondary data was collected by reviewing domestic and foreign literature from internet databases (PubMed, Coobis, Google Scholar, and Dlib). Results: In the study, we found that the interviewees had no problems accepting the diagnosis of short bowel syndrome, they quickly coped and accepted it as a good thing, as they started to live a little easier than before. All patients use a parenteral diet, due to the short intestine and little absorption. Patients who also have a stoma in place have not presented any major problems. They have had to adapt and change their daily habits, which has not caused them any serious problems and they are even living a better quality of life. Discussion: The results of the study show that short bowel syndrome is one of the most common causes of gastrointestinal failure. It can occur at any stage of life. It is a chronic disease that makes patients dependent on parenteral nutrition. Some patients have to have a stoma because of recurrent inflammation and resections in the bowel. As infants can also suffer from this disease, it is important to involve the family in their care. Health education and care are crucial in this disease, as such patients need to be taught about a different lifestyle, counseled, and taught about parenteral nutrition and stoma care. As there are more and more patients with short bowel syndrome, it would be useful to introduce workshops and training at the primary level, both for patients and for health professionals who meet such patients at home.
Keywords:short bowel syndrome, parenteral nutrition, nurse, stoma
