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Title:Vpliv izobrazbene strukture prevzemnika na razvoj družinskega podjetja
Authors:ID Andrejčič, Teja (Author)
ID Blažič, Anita (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Andrejcic_Teja_i2024.pdf (916,61 KB)
MD5: C628BAFFB34BD49596D7A3CF1D44082D
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FEI - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Economics and Informatics
Abstract:Družinsko podjetništvo je sestavljeno iz pojmov družina in podjetje. Od nedružinskih podjetij se razlikuje po pretežno družinskem lastništvu. V tovrstnih podjetjih so velikokrat vpletena čustva lastnikov podjetja. Podjetja se skozi podjetniško pot srečujejo z različnimi izzivi. Izzivi se razlikujejo od podjetja do podjetja, tako tudi njihovo reševanje. Prevzemnik bi se moral zavedati, da je dobro poiskati pomoč, če se ne more soočiti z izzivi. Na reševanje izzivov in uspešno vodenje ter poslovanje imata velik vpliv izobrazba in usposabljanje. Vse bolj tudi v e-obliki. Izobraževanje prinaša veliko pozitivnih posledic, kot sta mreženje in spoštovanje. Uspešnost delovanja podjetij je težko opredeliti, saj se med seboj razlikujejo. Nujno pa je vlaganje znanja v podjetje. V diplomski nalogi predstavljamo vpliv izobraževanja prevzemnikov na razvoj v družinskih podjetjih. Z deskriptivno metodo opredeljujemo pojme družinsko podjetništvo, izzive razvoja družinskih podjetij in vpliv izobraževanja v družinskih podjetjih. V raziskovalnem delu diplomske naloge predstavljamo 12 naključnih družinskih podjetij, v katerih smo opravili intervju in s pomočjo katerih preučujemo vpliv izobraževanja prevzemnikov na razvoj. Rezultati prikazujejo stanje izobraževanja prevzemnikov ter odgovore na vprašanja, ki so vezana na preverjanje vpliva izobrazbene strukture prevzemnika, na razvoj družinskih podjetij. S pomočjo odgovorov na zastavljena vprašanja pa smo pridobili vpogled v družinska podjetja.
Keywords:družinsko podjetništvo, izzivi razvoja, vpliv izobraževanja, prednosti izobraževanja, vpliv izobraževanja na uspešnost
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10484 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:193644291 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:22.04.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of the educational structure of the asquirer on the development of the family business
Abstract:Family entrepreneurship consists of the concepts of family and company. It differs from non-family businesses in that it is predominantly family owned. In such companies, the emotions of the company owners are often involved. Companies encounter various challenges during their entrepreneurial journey. Challenges vary from company to company, and so do their solutions. The entrepreneur should realize that it is good to seek help if he cannot face the challenges. Education and training have a great influence on solving challenges and successful management and business. Increasingly also in e-form. Education brings many positive consequences such as networking and respect. The performance of companies is difficult to define, as they differ from one another. Investing knowledge in the company is essential. In the diploma thesis, we present the influence of the education of acquirers on the development of family businesses. Using a descriptive method, we define the concepts of family entrepreneurship, the challenges of developing family businesses and the impact of education in family businesses. In the research part of the diploma thesis, we present 12 random family businesses in which we conducted an interview and with the help of which we study the impact of the acquirers' education on development. The results show the state of education of acquirers and answers to questions related to checking the influence of the acquirer's educational structure, on the development of family businesses. With the help of the answers to the questions, we gained an insight into family businesses.
Keywords:family entrepreneurship, challenges of development, influence of education, advantage of education, influence of education on performance
