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Title:Svetovanje staršem otrok, ki jim pripada zaščita s palivizumabom proti respiratornemu sincicijskemu virusu
Authors:ID Štinek, Jerneja (Author)
ID Tul Mandić, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Stinek_Jerneja_i2024.pdf (2,05 MB)
MD5: 3F55859B0365C5827D48813D97626BAF
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Respiratorni sincicijski virus (RSV) je najpogostejši povzročitelj bolezni spodnjih dihal pri otrocih do prvega leta starosti, ki zahteva bolnišnično zdravljenje. Med najbolj ogrožene spadajo nedonošenčki, otroci s prirojenimi srčnimi napakami in otroci s kronično pljučno boleznijo. Ker učinkovitega zdravljenja ni, so najpomembnejši zaščitni ukrepi, med katere spadajo izolacija in umivanje rok ter možnost pasivne zaščite najbolj ogroženih otrok s palivizumabom, ki je na razpolago tudi v Sloveniji. Metoda: Uporabljena je bila kvalitativna tehnika zbiranja podatkov. Primarne podatke smo pridobili s polstrukturiranim intervjujem z vnaprej pripravljenimi vprašanji. Intervjuvali smo starše otrok s t. i. ljubljanskega seznama, ki so med letoma 2017 in 2022 za svojega otroka zavrnili zaščito s palivizumabom. Rezultati: Analizirali smo 12 intervjujev (60 % vseh staršev, ki so zavrnili zaščito s palivizumabom). Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave je bilo ugotovljeno, da tretjina intervjuvancev zavrača vsa cepljenja, drugi pa glede cepljenja oklevajo. Najpogostejši razlogi za zavrnitev zaščite s palivizumabom so bili nezaupanje v zdravilo, njegovo učinkovitost in stranske učinke, pomanjkanje informacij glede zdravila ter napačna ocena bolezni. Starši so v procesu zaščite s palivizumabom občutili strah, nelagodje, nemoč in občutek siljenja v poseg. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da so starši pri odločitvi glede odobritve pasivne zaščite za svojega otroka največkrat pogrešali podrobnejše informacije, predvsem pojasnila glede sestave in stranskih učinkov zdravila. Razprava: Čeprav sorazmerno malo staršev zavrne zaščito s palivizumabom za svojega otroka, bi se z ugotavljanjem vzrokov in posledično s pravimi ukrepi dalo izboljšati zaščito otrok pred hudim potekom okužbe z RSV. Največkrat bi starše glede zaščite prepričalo boljše sporazumevanje zdravstvenih delavcev in s tem boljše ter popolnejše informacije glede samega zdravila. Medijska izpostavljenost RSV in posledic bolezni, ki jo virus povzroča najmlajšim otrokom, bi staršem, ki oklevajo glede zaščite s palivizumabom, olajšala odločitev.
Keywords:respiratorni sincicijski virus, bronhiolitis, palivizumab, cepljenje, pasivna zaščita, oklevanje pri cepljenju, zavračanje cepljenja
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10573 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:197959427 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:02.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Counselling to parents of children, entitled to prevention of respiratory syncytial virus with palivizumab
Abstract:Background: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of lower respiratory tract disease in infants and it often requires hospitalisation. It is most dangerous for preterm infants, children with congenital heart defects and children with chronic lung disease. There is no specific treatment, which is why preventive measures are the most important, among them decreased interpersonal contact, hand hygiene and passive protection of the most at risk children with palivizumab, which is available in Slovenia. Methods: Quantitative method of data collection was used. Primary data was obtained with semi-structured interviews using a preset questionnaire. Parents of children from ''Ljubljana'' list, who declined palivizumab protection for their children between the years 2017 and 2022 were interviewed. Results: 12 interviews (60 % of all parents who declined palivizumab protection) were analysed. Based on our results, a third of the interviewees decline all types of vaccinations, whereas the rest are hesitant about vaccines. The most common reasons for declining palivizumab were distrust in the drug, its efficacy and potential side effects, lack of information regarding the drug and misunderstandings about the disease. Parents felt anxious, ill at ease, helpless and pressured in opting for protection with palivizumab. We found that parents were missing more detailed information, particularly with regards to the composition and side effects of the drug when deciding whether or not to opt in for passive protection of their children. Discussion: Despite relatively few parents declining protection with palivizumab for their children, protection of children from serious course of RSV infection could be improved by recognising the causes for hesitancy and adapting certain measures. Parents would generally be convinced about the protection by better communication with health care workers and consequently better and more complete information about the drug itself. Discussion about the exposure to RSV and the consequences of the disease for the youngest children in the media would help hesitant parents in making their decision about opting for palivizumab.
Keywords:respiratory syncytial virus, bronchiolitis, palivizumab, vaccination, passive protection, vaccine hesitancy, vaccine denial
