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Title:Komunikacija in kakovost življenja posameznika po karcinomu v področju ustne votline
Authors:ID Karanović, Barbara (Author)
ID Karajić, Emil (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 6911$$zakljucno_delo.pdf (1,10 MB)
MD5: 1A3F198032AFCF5CB4B791358175A681
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Obravnavano temo diplomskega dela smo izbrali, ker menimo, da je karcinom v področju ustne votline aktualen problem današnjega časa. Zgodnje odkrivanje in napotitev na zdravljenje karcinoma sta ključnega pomena za zmanjševanje verjetnosti invazivnega zdravljenja in preživetje. Posamezniki s karcinomom v ustni votlini imajo v anamnezi pogosto označeno uživanje alkohola in cigaret. Posameznikovo okolje lahko zaznavamo kot pokazatelj, ki pozitivno ali negativno vpliva na njegovo rehabilitacijo. Vedno več ljudi se srečuje s karcinomom v področju ustne votline, s tem pa imamo vedno več oseb s traheostomo. Posamezniki s traheostomo se srečujejo s številnimi težavami pri osnovnih življenjskih funkcijah. Nekatere od teh težav so dihanje, hranjenje in glasno govorno sporazumevanje. Rehabilitacija posameznika po odstranitvi karcinoma je dolgotrajen proces, pri tem pa ne zdravimo samo bolezni, ampak tudi posameznika. Ta se mora soočiti z boleznijo in s posledicami kirurškega zdravljenja. Že v bolnišnici ugotavljamo, kakšne so pacientove funkcionalne sposobnosti po posegu. Poleg težav z gibljivostjo se srečuje s težavami hranjenja, težavo s pljučnimi zmogljivostmi, težavami z govorom, srečamo se tudi s slabim estetskim videzom. Ravno obraz je najbolj opazen del posameznika in njegove osebnosti. Posameznik težave z govorom ali izgubo govora enači z izgubo sporazumevanja. Zaradi take izgube je izpostavljen psihični obremenitvi in tako izgubo lahko čuti kot izgubo svoje osebnosti, kar lahko vodi v depresijo in družbeno izločitev. Komunikacija je ena od osnovnih potreb vseh nas. Cilj komunikacije je biti opažen, slišan in sprejet. Rehabilitacija posameznika je usmerjena v to, da ustvarimo možnost za glasno sporazumevanje. Za posameznika je najbolj pomembno, da čimprej usvoji eno izmed nadomestnih metod za sporazumevanje. Z uporabo intervjujev smo poskušali ugotoviti izkušnje in ovire treh posameznikov pri komunikaciji po odstranitvi karcinoma ter tehnike, ki so se zanje izkazale kot najboljše. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako je podpora bližnjih in medicinskega osebja vplivala na njihovo počutje ter kako zaznavajo lastne spremembe in izkušnje pri samostojnosti.
Keywords:karcinom, alkohol, kajenje, samostojnost, komunikacija, osebna rast.
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10605 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:18.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Communication and quality of life of an individul after carcinoma in the area of the oral cavity
Abstract:The topic of the thesis was chosen because we believe that carcinoma in the oral cavity is a current problem of today's time. Early detection and referral for treatment of carcinoma are crucial for reducing the likelihood of invasive treatment and survival. Individuals with oral cavity carcinoma often have a history of alcohol and cigarette consumption. The individual's environment can be perceived as an indicator that positively or negatively affects their rehabilitation. More and more people are facing carcinoma in the oral cavity, leading to an increasing number of individuals with a tracheostomy. Individuals with a tracheostomy encounter numerous difficulties in basic life functions. Some of these difficulties include breathing, feeding, and vocal communication. Rehabilitation of an individual after carcinoma removal is a lengthy process, wherein we treat not only the disease but also the individual. They must cope with the disease and the consequences of surgical treatment. Already in the hospital, we assess the patient's functional abilities post-surgery. Besides mobility issues, they face problems with feeding, lung capacity, speech difficulties, and often experience a poor aesthetic appearance. The face is the most noticeable part of an individual and their personality. Speech problems or loss of speech are equated with loss of communication, leading to psychological stress. Such loss can be felt as a loss of personality, potentially leading to depression and social exclusion. Communication is one of the basic needs for all of us. The goal of communication is to be noticed, heard, and accepted. Individual rehabilitation aims to create opportunities for vocal communication. It is crucial for the individual to learn one of the alternative communication methods as soon as possible. Through interviews, we attempted to identify the experiences and obstacles of three individuals in communication after carcinoma removal and the techniques that proved most effective for them. We were also interested in how the support of loved ones and medical staff affected their well-being and how they perceive their own changes and experiences in independence.
Keywords:carcinoma, alcohol, smoking, independence, communication, personal growth.
