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Authors:ID Hvala, Tatjana (Author)
ID Besednjak Valič, Tamara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 5475A49102D99E877B396BBE7025A7C9
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V mestu Postojna je degradirano urbano območje stare porodnišnice, ki je skozi leta izgubilo svojo primarno funkcijo in je v lasti lokalne skupnosti. Ta v preteklosti ni imela jasne celostne strategije in vizije, kako revitalizirati oz. regenerirati ta del mesta. Od leta 2008 dalje so se pričeli poskusi podajanja predlogov o namembnosti prostora in aktivnostih, ki bi se lahko izvajale v tem urbanem območju. Zaznano je bilo pomanjkanje prostora za sodelovanje in srečevanje zainteresiranih posameznikov ter NVO-jev, kar ima za posledico premalo povezano lokalno skupnost in relativno šibko zastopano kreativno kulturno industrijo ter obrt. Ko so s strani Občine Postojna leta 2011 prišli pozitivni odzivi za sodelovanje zainteresirane javnosti, je bil zasnovan začetek procesa implementacije CRIPREDE adaptivnega modela, ki se je v praksi izvedel po korakih skozi vseh predvidenih šest faz. Rezultat tega procesa je predlog strategije, ki pri revitalizaciji območja stare porodnišnice v Postojni ohranja elemente materialne kulturne dediščine in jih razširili na polje nematerialnih vrednosti (upoštevan akumuliran kulturni in socialni kapital območja). V sklopu strategije izpostavi tiste razvojne možnosti urbanega območja, ki bodo pokrile nenaslovljene lokalne potrebe, lokalne skupnosti in civilne družbe ter se opirale na podatke, pridobljene z raziskavo. Oblikovale so se smernice za vključujoč prostor (prostorske in arhitekturne rešitve), ki omogočajo podporo skupnosti pri zadovoljevanju družbenih in hkrati ekonomskih potreb. Pokazal se je najprimernejši upravljavski model za revitalizirano območje, ki omogoča optimalno delovanje stavbe in nudi podporno okolje za vsebine, ki se bodo izvajale. Terensko oz. praktično delo se je izvajalo izjemno dolgo, in sicer v obdobju več kot deset let, vendar v času zaključevanja te magistrske naloge še nismo dočakali končnega cilja – renoviranega in revitaliziranega urbanega območja stare porodnišnice zaradi pomanjkanja potrebnega finančnega vložka, ki ga zahteva tako obsežna investicija. Aplikacija adaptivnega modela CRIPREDE se je v našem primeru izkazala za dovolj fleksibilno metodo, da je dopuščala prilagoditve in je postavljala primeren okvir za delo.
Keywords:CRIPREDE adaptivni model, stara porodnišnica Postojna, revitalizacija urbanega prostora, obnova nepremične kulturne dediščine, participacija deležnikov
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10700 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:23.07.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the town of Postojna, there is a degraded urban area of the old maternity hospital, which has lost its primary function over the years and is owned by the local community. In the past, the municipality did not have a clear overall strategy and vision of how to revitalize or regenerate this part of the city. Since 2008, attempts have been made to submit proposals on the purpose of the space and the activities that could be carried out in this urban area. A lack of space for cooperation and meeting of interested individuals and NGOs was detected, which results in an insufficiently connected local community, and a relatively weak representation of the creative cultural industry and crafts. When the Municipality of Postojna gave positive response for the participation of the interested public in 2011, the process of implementing the CRIPREDE adaptive model began, which in practice was carried out step by step through all the planned 6 phases. The result of this process is a proposal for a strategy which, in the revitalization of the area of the old maternity hospital in Postojna, preserves the elements of material cultural heritage and extends them to the field of intangible values (considering the accumulated cultural and social capital of the area). As part of the strategy, it highlights those development possibilities of the urban area that will cover the unaddressed local needs of the local community and civil society, based on the data obtained through the field research. Guidelines for an inclusive space (spatial and architectural solutions) were created, which enable the community to be supported in meeting their social and economic needs. The most suitable management model for the revitalized area has been identified, which enables the optimal functioning of the building and provides a supportive environment for the contents that will be implemented. The field and practical work was carried out for an extremely long time, namely over a period of more than 10 years, and at the time of the completion of this master's thesis, we had not yet reached the final goal - the renovated and revitalized urban area of the old maternity hospital due to the lack of the necessary financial input required by such an extensive investment. In our case, the application of the CRIPREDE adaptive model proved to be a flexible enough method to allow for adjustments and set a suitable framework for work.
Keywords:CRIPREDE adaptive model, Postojna’s old maternity hospital, revitalization of urban space, restoration of cultural heritage building, participation of stakeholders
