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Authors:ID Trdin, Maruša (Author)
ID Šifrar, Edina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 7473$$Diplomska_naloga_Marusa_Trdin.pdf (1,18 MB)
MD5: 9E3A37A8E5C998BF6F08A02AFE3845DA
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V vsakodnevnih življenjskih izzivih se je skoraj nemogoče izogniti stresu. Stres nam omogoča, da se prilagodimo različnim življenjskim situacijam. Pomembno je prepoznati razlike med dobrim in slabim stresom ter stresom, ki traja daljše časovno obdobje in vodi v stanje izgorelosti. Na izgorelost lahko vplivajo delo, osebnostne značilnosti, življenjski slog ipd. Telo nas opozarja z znaki, da je treba nekaj spremeniti. Pogosto se pred nastopom izgorelosti osebe v tej fazi še bolj usmerijo v delo in so storilnostno naravnave. V tej fazi lahko telesna simptomatika povsem izgine in oseba misli, da je konec njenih težav. Pogosto pa je to zgolj faza, ki privede do globljih zapletov. Kasneje se lahko pokažejo težave na kognitivnem področju. Oseba lahko začne izgubljati spomin, postaja izjemno utrujena in neproduktivna. Iz prve faze izgorelosti se simptomi začnejo poglabljati. Pomembno je prepoznati napredek simptomatike in v tej fazi poiskati pomoč (zdravnik), da ne pride do zadnje faze izgorelosti, v kateri se pojavljajo simptomi porušenega imunskega sistema, tresavice, izgube zavesti. Naš namen diplomskega dela je bil predstaviti telesno simptomatiko širši populaciji. Pri kvalitativnem raziskovalnem delu smo vključili sedem intervjuvank, ki so v preteklosti dobile diagnozo izgorelosti. Iz empiričnega dela smo ugotovili, s kakšno telesno simptomatiko so se intervjuvanke v obdobju izgorelost srečale in da se je telesna simptomatika med zdravljenjem spreminjala. Poleg tega je bilo ugotovljeno, da so intervjuvanke pred diagnozo izgorelosti imele telesne simptome, ki so kazali na neravnovesje v telesu. Zaradi živosti in individualnost vsake posameznice je bilo ugotovljeno, da se je telesna simptomatika glede na potek bolezni spreminjala in jo je bilo težko opredeliti glede na stopanje izgorelosti, za kar bi bilo potrebno nadaljnje raziskovanje.
Keywords:izgorelost, stres, telesna simptomatika, ženske, spremembe
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10725 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:22.08.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:In everyday life challenges, it's nearly impossible to avoid stress. Stress enables us to adapt to various life situations. It's important to recognize the differences between good and bad stress, as well as stress that persists over a longer period leading to burnout. Burnout can be influenced by work, personality traits, lifestyle, etc. The body signals us with signs that something needs to change. Often, before burnout sets in, individuals become even more focused on work and productivity. At this stage, physical symptoms may completely disappear, and the individual may think their problems are over. However, this is often just a phase leading to deeper complications. Later on, cognitive difficulties may emerge. Memory loss, extreme fatigue, and decreased productivity can occur. Symptoms deepen from the initial phase of burnout. It's crucial to recognize the progression of symptoms and seek help (from a doctor) at this stage to prevent reaching the final stage of burnout, where symptoms of a compromised immune system, tremors, and loss of consciousness may occur. The aim of our thesis was to present physical symptoms to a broader population. In the qualitative research part, we interviewed seven women who had previously been diagnosed with burnout. From the empirical work, we discovered the physical symptoms these interviewees encountered during the burnout period and how these symptoms changed throughout treatment. Additionally, it was found that prior to the diagnosis of burnout, the interviewees experienced physical symptoms indicating an imbalance in the body. Due to the liveliness and individuality of each woman, it was observed that physical symptoms varied according to the course of the illness, making it difficult to define them in terms of burnout stages, which would require further research.
Keywords:burnout, stress, physical symptoms, women, changes
