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Title:Vloga in pomen timskega dela v delovnem okolju
Authors:ID Galič, Špela (Author)
ID Starc, Jasmina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DIP_Galic_Spela_2024.pdf (869,64 KB)
MD5: 998537B0886AA7023D9A4BB4F4D06F59
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FEI - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Economics and Informatics
Abstract:Timsko delo je v današnjem delovnem okolju zelo pomembno in je tako postalo tudi v sodobnih organizacijah osnovni način delovanja. Določene naloge se opravijo uspešneje, če sodelujemo z drugimi. Tako lahko spoznamo veliko novih stvari kot tudi drugačno ali celo boljšo pot do uresničevanja zastavljenega cilja. Tim sestavljajo različni posamezniki in tako pride tudi do različnih in nasprotnih mnenj, vendar če bi bili vsi enaki in bi enako razmišljali, bi obstajala samo eno mnenje in zgolj ena pot do uresničitve zastavljenega cilja. Ker so v timu različni posamezniki, prav tako pride do konfliktov, vendar če upoštevamo mnenja ostalih in uporabimo pravilno komunikacijo, lahko razrešimo nastali konflikt. Pomembno vlogo ima vodja tima, ki vodi skupino ljudi in jih pri opravljanju nalog usmerja. Vodja je zgled ostalim članom v timu in podpira svoje člane in njihova mnenja, za uspešno opravljeno delo pa jih nagradi bodisi v materialni obliki bodisi v nematerialni. Člani tima si želijo, da bi skupaj rešili problem in na koncu tudi proslavili desežke, ki so jih skupaj ustvarili. V empiričnem delu predstavljamo, kakšno je medsebojno sodelovanje zaposlenih v eni izmed slovenskih občin v posavski regiji. Ugotovili smo, da je v izbrani organizaciji prisotno timsko delo in da večina posameznikov podpira uvajanje in razvoj timskega dela. Posamezniki tako delo raje opravljajo v timu in imajo pri postavljanju skupnih ciljev možnost soodločanja.
Keywords:Tim, timsko delo, vodja, vodenje, sodelovanje.
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10755-a556d1f1-6502-8f11-bb31-5d3ff7a15020 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The role and importance of teamwork in the work environment
Abstract:Teamwork is very important in today’s working environment and has thus become a basic way of working even in modern organizations. Certain tasks are more successful when we work with others. This way, we can learn a lot of new things as well as a different or even better way to achieve our goals. A team is made up of different individuals, and thus there are different and opposing opinions, but if all were the same and thought alike, there would be only one opinion and only one path to the realization of the set goal. Because there are different individuals in the team, conflicts also arise, but if we take into account the opinions of others and use proper communication, we can resolve the conflict. An important role is played by a team leader who leads a group of people and guides them in the performance of tasks. The leader is an example to the other members of the team and supports their members and their opinions, rewarding them for their successful work either materially or intangibly. The members of the team want to solve the problem together and ultimately celebrate the achievements they have created together. In the empirical part, we present the mutual cooperation of employees in one of the Slovenian municipalities in the Posavska region. We found that teamwork is present in the selected organization and that most individuals support the introduction and development of teamwork. Individuals prefer to work in a team and have the opportunity to co-decide when setting common goals.
Keywords:Team, teamwork, leader, leadership, cooperation.
