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Title:Etika oglaševanja včeraj, danes, jutri
Authors:ID Borštnar, Barbara (Author)
ID Grivec, Malči (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DIP_Borstnar_Barbara_2024.pdf (1,68 MB)
MD5: DF3041B89C8EB3B244385E1806062F73
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FEI - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Economics and Informatics
Abstract:Na kakšen način bodo oglaševalci privabljali kupce, je odvisno tudi od etičnosti menedžmenta organizacije. Da s svojim oglasom ne bi užalili potrošnikov, je potrebno upoštevati etična načela v oglaševanju. V Sloveniji to področje poleg zakonske podlage ureja Slovenski oglaševalski kodeks, ki je osnova pri presojanju posameznih oglasov na Oglaševalskem razsodišču. Vse to je bila osnova za raziskavo, s katero smo želeli ugotoviti razsežnost etične ozaveščenosti med Slovenci na splošno, na področju oglaševanja in kaj pričakujejo v prihodnosti. Prišli smo do zaključka, da spol, starost in splošna izobrazba ne vplivajo pomembno pri zaznavanju etike in njenih kršitvah v oglasnih sporočilih. Ljudje izkazujejo velik interes za izobraževanje na področju etike, posledica pa je tudi pogostejše opažanje etičnih kršitev. Večina meni, da bo potreben večji poudarek na etiki, saj bi s tem lahko vplivali tako na ravnanje posameznikov, kot tudi na ravnanje medijev in podjetij.
Keywords:etika, oglaševanje, etika v oglaševanju, etične kršitve, Slovenija
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10756 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Advertising ethics yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Abstract:In the past, ethics were understood and considered differently than today. Ethics is present in many areas, and in our master's thesis we focused on ethics in advertising. For easier study, we defined the basics of ethics and advertising by reviewing the literature. There is no uniform definition for ethics, but most often authors describe it as a philosophical discipline that deals with moral principles and dictates when we act right or wrong. Ethical principles are essential for living in harmony with the environment. Thus, ethics is connected to other fields, one of which is marketing communication. The most common tool of marketing communication is advertising, which is focused on increasing sales or attracting customers. How advertisers will attract customers also depends on the ethics of the organization's management. In order not to offend consumers with your ad, it is necessary to follow ethical principles in advertising. We also highlight the Slovenian Advertising Code, which, together with legal regulations, helps the Advertising Tribunal in rulings in cases of violations of ethical norms in the field of advertising in practice. All this was the basis for the research, with which we wanted to determine the extent of ethical awareness among Slovenians in general, in the field of advertising, and what they expect in the future. We came to the conclusion that the role of gender, age and general education does not have a significant effect on the perception of ethics and its violations in advertising messages. People show a great interest in education in the field of ethics, and as a result, ethical violations are more often observed. Most believe that a greater emphasis on ethics will be needed, as this could influence both the behaviour of individuals, as well as the behaviour of the media and companies.
Keywords:ethics, advertising, advertising ethics, ethical violations, Slovenia
