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Title:Strategija celovitega produktivnega vzdrževanja
Authors:ID Lambreščak, Maja (Author)
ID Gričar, Sergej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Lambrescak_Maja_2024.pdf (1,81 MB)
MD5: D7FB77D94F20DA4FCE77615FFD2FA18D
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FEI - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Economics and Informatics
Abstract:Sodobna proizvodnja podjetij se vse bolj poslužuje strategij, ki pozitivno vplivajo na operativno odličnost ter optimizacijo procesov, kar jim omogoča konkurenčno prednost. Namen raziskave je pregled literature, ki proučuje uporabo strategij celovitega produktivnega vzdrževanja ter njen vpliv na ključne kazalnike učinkovitosti v farmacevtski industriji. Izbrana ključna metoda vključuje sistematični pregled literature s pomočjo Google Učenjaka v obdobju od leta 2019 do 2024. Pregled pridobljene literature je temeljil na vključitvenih in izključitvenih kriterijih, kot so leto objave, jezik, relevantnost teme ter dostop do celotnega besedila. S pomembnimi bazami, kot sta Scopus in Web of Science ter številom citatov, pridobljenih z Google Učenjakom, je bila opravljena kritična ocena zanesljivosti virov. Pomembna merila vključevanja virov so bila osredotočenost na strategijo celovitega produktivnega vzdrževanja, merjenje skupne učinkovitosti opreme in specifičnost farmacevtske industrije. Pet člankov, ki so obravnavali različne tipe opreme in metodologije za izboljšanje skupne učinkovitosti opreme, je bilo izbranih in vključenih v končni pregled. Rezultati pregleda literature kažejo, da implementacija strategije celovitega produktivnega vzdrževanja zmanjšuje nepredvidene izpade, izboljšuje zanesljivost delovanja opreme ter prispeva k izboljšanju kazalnikov skupne učinkovitosti opreme. Primerjave dosedanjih raziskav so pokazale, da je za uspešno implementacijo strategije pomembna podpora vodstva. V procesu spreminjanja kulture, ki stremi k nenehnim izboljšavam, pa je potrebna vključenost vseh zaposlenih. Kvalitativna analiza izbranih člankov in primerjave s strokovno literaturo temeljijo na dognanjih, da strategija celovitega produktivnega vzdrževanja prispeva k izboljšanju učinkovitosti z uvedbo avtonomnega in načrtovanega vzdrževanja, nenehnega izobraževanja zaposlenih ter optimizacije procesov. Strategija je ključnega pomena za doseganje operativne odličnosti v farmacevtski industriji.
Keywords:celovito produktivno vzdrževanje, skupna učinkovitost opreme, farmacevtska industrija, ključni kazalniki učinkovitosti, zmogljivost opreme
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10765 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:207874051 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:15.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Total productive maintenance strategy
Abstract:Modern company production increasingly employs strategies that positively impact operational excellence and process optimization, giving them a competitive advantage. The purpose of the literature review is to examine the use of the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) strategy and its impact on key performance indicators in the pharmaceutical industry. The chosen primary method involves the systematic literature review using Google Scholar from 2019 to 2024. The review of the obtained literature was based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, such as the year of publication, language, topic relevance, and access to full texts. A critical assessment of source reliability was made using important databases like Scopus and Web of Science, along with the number of citations obtained from Google Scholar. Important inclusion criteria for sources were a focus on the TPM strategy, measuring overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), and specificity to the pharmaceutical industry. Five articles, which discussed various types of equipment and methodologies for improving OEE, were selected and included in the review. The results of the literature review indicate that the implementation of the TPM strategy reduces unexpected downtimes, improves equipment reliability, and contributes to better OEE indicators. Comparisons of the existing research have shown that management support is crucial for the successful implementation of the strategy. In the process of changing the culture towards continuous improvement, the involvement of all employees is necessary. Qualitative analysis of the selected articles and comparisons with professional literature are based on the findings that the TPM strategy contributes to efficiency improvements through the introduction of autonomous and planned maintenance, continuous employee training, and process optimization. The strategy is essential for achieving operational excellence in the pharmaceutical industry.
Keywords:Total Productive Maintenance, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, pharmaceutical industry, Key Performance Indicators, Equipment Performance
