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Authors:ID Klemenčič, Špela (Author)
ID Karajić, Emil (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 8736$$Povezanost_uporabe_socialnih_omrezij_s_samospostovanjem_–_lektorirano_+_tehnicno_(3).pdf (621,70 KB)
MD5: 7E0340EBAEA85BB6C512D221B7DEA747
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na odnos med količino uporabe socialnih omrežij in samospoštovanjem mladostnikov ter odraslih. Skozi raziskavo smo preučevali različne vidike samospoštovanja, vključno z emocionalnim, s telesnim, socialnim in z generalnim jazom, ter primerjali rezultate med moškimi in ženskami. Zbiranje podatkov je potekalo preko spletne ankete v kateri je sodelovalo 76 žensk in 35 moških, starih med 18 in 40 let, ter 80 žensk in 32 moških, mlajših od 18 let. Izsledki kažejo, da ženske v povprečju preživijo več časa na socialnih omrežjih kot moški, kar je povezano s šibkejšim emocionalnim, telesnim in generalnim jazom, ne glede na starost. Ženske namreč pogosteje uporabljajo socialna omrežja in iščejo več pozornosti ter potrditve od drugih, zato so bolj dovzetne za vpliv vsebin na socialnih omrežjih na njihove emocije ter so bolj nagnjene k primerjavi z drugimi, kar vpliva na šibkejši telesni in generalni jaz. Pri odraslih ženskah je opaziti tudi šibkejši socialni jaz v primerjavi z moškimi, kar pri mladostnikih ni zaznano, verjetno zaradi narave postavk lestvice socialnega jaza. Razlike med spoloma na emocionalnem, telesnem, socialnem in generalnem jazu pri odraslih izginejo, ko upoštevamo čas uporabe socialnih omrežij, kar pomeni, da je količina časa na socialnih omrežjih pomembnejša od spola. Pomembne razlike med odraslimi in mladostniki v telesnem, emocionalnem, socialnem in generalnem jazu nismo uspeli dokazat, verjetno zato ker razlika med povprečno starostjo mladostnikov in odraslih udeležencev ni tako velika, da bi lahko opravičili generacijsko razliko.
Keywords:socialna omrežja, samospoštovanje, spol, odrasli, mladostniki
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10770 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:17.09.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:The thesis focuses on the relationship between the amount of social media usage and the self-esteem of adolescents and adults. Through the research, various aspects of self-esteem were examined, including emotional, physical, social, and general self, and results were compared between males and females. Data collection was conducted through an online survey with 76 women and 35 men aged between 18 and 40, as well as 80 women and 32 men under 18. The results show that, on average, women spend more time on social media than men, which is linked to weaker emotional, physical, and general self-esteem, regardless of age. Women tend to use social media more frequently and seek more attention and validation from others, making them more susceptible to the influence of social media content on their emotions, and more prone to comparison with others, affecting their physical and general self-esteem. Adult women also exhibit weaker social self-esteem compared to men, which is not observed in adolescents, likely due to the nature of the items on the social self scale. Gender differences in emotional, physical, social, and general self-esteem among adults disappear when considering the amount of time spent on social media, indicating that time on social media is more significant than gender. Significant differences between adults and adolescents in physical, emotional, social, and general self-esteem were not found, likely because the age difference between the two groups was not large enough to justify a generational difference.
Keywords:social media, self-esteem, gender, adults, adolescents
