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Authors:ID Žagar, Irena (Author)
ID Besednjak Valič, Tamara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 7167$$Magistrska_naloga_IZ.pdf (2,74 MB)
MD5: 47E4AD1481B4EB2A71CF2BE9E7F9E341
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Magistrska naloga raziskuje vpliv marketinško-prodajnih tehnik na uspešnost mednarodne blagovne znamke SmartNinja. Uspešno prodajanje produkta zahteva premišljeno načrtovanje in nenehno prilagajanje marketinških strategij. To še toliko bolj velja za podjetja, ki poslujejo na mednarodnem trgu, kot je primer SmartNinja, ki se ukvarja z izobraževanjem programiranja. Magistrska naloga se poglobi v vpliv različnih marketinško-prodajnih tehnik na uspešnost poslovanja tovrstnih podjetij. Raziskava analizira, kako marketinške tehnike vplivajo na trženje blagovne znamke SmartNinja. Magistrska naloga išče razlike v marketinških pristopih za domače in mednarodne trge ter preučuje pomen meritev uspešnosti posamezne tehnike pri izbiri najučinkovitejše strategije za specifičen trg. S pomočjo orodij, kot je Google Analitika, in interne analize podjetja SmartNinja delo raziskuje učinkovitost uporabljanih tehnik in na podlagi rezultatov predlaga izboljšave za optimizacijo marketinško-prodajnega delovanja SmartNinje. Magistrska naloga na primeru podjetja SmartNinja razkriva ključne dejavnike za uspešno internacionalizacijo podjetja. Identificira ustrezne marketinško-prodajne tehnike in načine merjenja njihove uspešnosti. Še posebej pomembno je razumevanje razlik med domačimi in mednarodnimi trgi. Kulturne razlike, jezikovne bariere in specifične značilnosti posameznega trga zahtevajo prilagoditev marketinškega pristopa. Poleg tega učinkovitost posamezne tehnike ni univerzalna, saj je močno odvisna od specifičnosti trga kot tudi drugih dejavnikov, kot so strategija podjetje, marketinški načrt podjetja, prodajno-marketinške tehnike, ki jih podjetje uporablja za trženje itd. Rezultati blagovni znamki SmartNinja omogočajo optimalno pripravo marketinškega načrta in optimizacijo marketinških strategij, kar posledično vodi v povečanje dobička, prodaje in prepoznavnosti blagovne znamke na mednarodnem trgu. Raziskava prispeva k boljšemu razumevanju vloge marketinga pri uspešnem poslovanju na mednarodnih trgih. Podjetjem ponuja praktične napotke za optimizacijo marketinško-prodajnih tehnik in jim pomaga doseči želen uspeh na globalni ravni.
Keywords:SmartNinja, blagovna znamka, marketinško-prodajne tehnike, marketing, marketinška strategija, maketinške tehnike
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10772 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:This master's thesis explores the impact of marketing-sales techniques on the success of the international brand SmartNinja. Successfully selling a product requires careful planning and continuous adaptation of marketing strategies. This is especially true for companies operating in the international market, such as SmartNinja, which is involved in programming education. The master's thesis delves into the impact of various marketing-sales techniques on the business success of such companies. The research analyzes how marketing techniques affect the branding of SmartNinja. The master's thesis seeks out differences in marketing approaches for domestic and international markets and examines the importance of measuring the success of each technique in choosing the most effective strategy for a specific market. Using tools such as Google Analytics and internal analysis of the SmartNinja company, the work investigates the effectiveness of the techniques used and, based on the results, proposes improvements to optimize SmartNinja's marketing-sales activities. Using the SmartNinja company as an example, the master's thesis reveals the key factors for the successful internationalization of the company. It identifies appropriate marketing-sales techniques and methods for measuring their success. It is particularly important to understand the differences between domestic and international markets. Cultural differences, language barriers, and the specific characteristics of each market require adaptation of the marketing approach. In addition, the effectiveness of each technique is not universal, as it is strongly dependent on the specifics of the market, as well as other factors such as the company's strategy, the company's marketing plan, the sales and marketing techniques used by the company for marketing, etc. The results enable the SmartNinja brand to optimally prepare its marketing plan and optimize marketing strategies, which in turn leads to increased profits, sales, and brand awareness in the international market. The research contributes to a better understanding of the role of marketing in successful business operations in international markets. It offers companies practical guidance on optimizing marketing-sales techniques and helps them achieve the desired success globally.
Keywords:SmartNinja, brand, marketing-sales techniques, marketing, marketing strategy, marketing techniques
