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Title:Vse večje vplive človeštva na planet zaznamuje šest preseženih planetarnih meja
Authors:ID Vižintin, Liliana (Author)
Files:.pdf 34-36.pdf (267,01 KB)
MD5: FD5A8819834323394F37B93D6D1CD6C5
Work type:Unknown
Typology:1.04 - Professional Article
Organization:BCN - Naklo Biotechnical Center
Abstract:Človekove dejavnosti močno vplivajo na ekosisteme in podnebni sistem Zemlje. Eksponentna rast prebivalstva in nadaljnja gospodarska rast bosta še povečevali povpraševanje po naravnih virih in negativno vplivali na okolje. Podatki kažejo, da človeštvo izkorišča in uničuje naravo hitreje, kot je njena sposobnost samoobnavljanja, s tem pa ustvarja ekološki primanjkljaj. Zato globalno gledano še vedno nismo na poti k uresničevanju ciljev trajnostnega razvoja. Poleg tega s preseganjem vse številnejših planetarnih omejitev povečujemo tveganja in negotovosti glede preživetja človeka in drugih vrst na tem planetu.
Keywords:ekosistemske storitve, planetarne meje, projekti, čezmejno sodelovanje, POSEIDONE
Publication date:01.12.2023
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:str. 34-36
Numbering:Letn. 12, št. 22
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10794 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:182011907 New window
ISSN on article:1855-9204
Publication date in ReVIS:23.09.2024
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Moje podeželje : strokovna revija za razvoj podeželja
Publisher:Biotehniški center Naklo, Višja strokovna šola
COBISS.SI-ID:251473408 New window

Secondary language

Title:Guidelines and tools for talking about climate and ecosystem services in the school
Abstract:Human activities have a profound impact on the Earth's ecosystems and climate system. The exponential growth of the human population and continued economic growth will further increase the demand for natural resources and have a negative impact on the environment. The data suggests that humanity is exploiting and destroying nature faster than it can renew itself thereby creating an ecological deficit. Therefore, globally, we are not yet on the way to achieving sustainable development goals. Furthermore, by exceeding the increasing number of planetary boundaries, we are rising the risks and uncertainties for the survival of humans and other species on this planet.
