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Title:Nova spoznanja v fizioterapevtski obravnavi osteoartritisa
Authors:ID Jereb, Teja (Author)
ID Omejec, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: F6F6FF2D7AF3BDF0754C3583B9B85733
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Abstract:Uvod in namen: Osteoartritis (OA) je najpogostejša kronična bolezen sinovialnih sklepov z zapleteno patofiziologijo. Povezana je s številnimi dejavniki in procesi, ki vodijo tako v strukturne spremembe sklepov kot tudi v z bolečino povezane spremembe predelov centralnega živčnega sistema (CŽS). Namen diplomske naloge je pregledti literatur o novih spoznanjih na področju patofiziologije OA in predstaviti njihov vpliv na fizioterapevtsko obravnavo. Metode: Diplomska naloga temelji na pregledu literature. Vključitveni kriteriji zajemajo študije s tematiko o osteoartritisu, patofiziologiji osteoartritisa in fizioterapevtski obravnavi oseb z osteoartritisom, pregledne članke, sistematične preglede literature, randomizirane in kontrolirane klinične študije, metaanalize ter slovenski in angleški jezik. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da je OA bolezen s kompleksno patofiziologijo. To vodi v uporabo različnih metod in tehnik, ki presegajo zgolj biomehanski pristop. Uporabnost: Diplomska naloga je namenjena vsem, ki se želijo seznaniti z novimi spoznanji s področja patofiziologije OA in novimi pristopi v fizioterapevtski obravnavi. Omejitve: Omejitve vidimo v majhnem številu kakovostnih študij, ki obravnavajo nove možne pristope v fizioterapevtski obravnavi osteoartritisa, in premajhni vzorci vključenih preiskovancev.
Keywords:osteoartritis, patofiziologija, fizioterapevtska obravnava, nova spoznanja, nevroplastične spremembe
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10805 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:24.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:New insights into physiotherapeutic treatement of osteoarthritis
Abstract:Introduction and purpose: Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common chronic disease of the synovial joints with a complex pathophysiology. It is associated with a number of factors and processes leading to structural changes of the entire joint and pain-related structural changes of the CNS. The aim of this paper is to review relevant literature on new findings in the field of pathophysiology of OA and to present their impact of these on the principle of physiotherapeutic treatment. Methods: The paper is based on a literature review. The inclusion criteria include studies on osteoarthritis, pathophysiology of osteoarthritis and physiotherapeutic treatment of people with osteoarthritis, review articles, systematic literature reviews, randomised and controlled clinical trials, meta-analyses, and Slovenian and English language. Results: The results showed that OA is a disease with a complex pathophysiology, which allows us to apply different treatments beyond a purely biomechanical approach. Usability: The thesisi is intended for all those who want to learn about new insights into the pathophysiology of OA and the new approaches in the physiotherapeutic of OA that are supported by these new findings. Limitations: Limitations are seen in the low number of high-quality studies addressing potential new approaches in physiotherapy treatment of osteoarthritis and insufficient sample sizes of included subjects.
Keywords:osteoarthritis, pathophysiology, physiotherapeutic treatment, new insights, neuroplastic changes
