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Title:Fizioterapevtska obravnava po rupturi sprednje križne vezi
Authors:ID Avbelj, Primož (Author)
ID Kresal, Friderika (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 66CCC105E666713CA2E4F21D742073D2
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Sprednja križna vez je pomembna vez v kolenskem sklepu, ki stabilizira sklep in preprečuje anteroposteriorni premik golenice na stegnenico. ACL je sestavljen iz kolagenskih vlaken tipa I, ima kompleksno anatomijo in opravlja pomembno vlogo pri delovanju kolena. Ruptura sprednje križne vezi je pogosto povezana z mehanizmom poškodbe, ki vključuje močne rotacijske sile in valgusno obremenitev kolena. Diagnozo lahko postavimo s pomočjo kliničnih testov, pri čemer je Lachmanov test najnatančnejši. Napačna diagnoza po izvedenem kliničnem testiranju ni nemogoča, zato je lahko uporaba slikovnih preiskav, kot je magnetna resonanca, koristna za natančnejšo diagnozo. Poznamo konzervativno in operativno zdravljenje po poškodbi ACL. Cilji zdravljenja posameznika z rupturo ACL vključujejo povrnitev funkcije kolena, odpravljanje psiholoških ovir, preprečevanje nadaljnjih poškodb in zmanjšanje tveganja za osteoartritis kolena. Konzervativno zdravljenje vključuje fizikalno terapijo za krepitev mišic spodnjih okončin, vendar je potrebno zavedanje, da koleno ostane nestabilno in ranljivo za poškodbe še nekaj časa po zdravljenju. Pacienti, ki se odločijo za konzervativno zdravljenje, morda potrebujejo prilagoditev dejavnosti, zlasti tisti, ki se vračajo k športom s pogostimi vrtenji in z nenadnimi spremembami smeri. Poseben poudarek je na živčno-mišičnem treningu, vključno s treningom perturbacij, ki pomaga izboljšati dinamično stabilnost kolena. V rehabilitacijskem procesu je pomembno prilagajanje dejavnosti glede na vrsto športa, ki jo opravlja posameznik, in stopnjo telesne pripravljenosti. Rehabilitacija vključuje več faz, od odpravljanja akutnih simptomov do postopnega vračanja k športnim dejavnostim. Poudarja se pomen individualnega pristopa in spremljanja pacientov skozi različna življenjska obdobja, saj se cilji, vrednote in življenjske prioritete lahko sčasoma spreminjajo.
Keywords:Koleno, sprednja križna vez, fizioterapevtska obravnava, rehabilitacija.
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10811 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:25.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Physiotherapy treatment after anterior cruciate ligament rupture
Abstract:The anterior cruciate ligament is an important ligament in the knee joint that stabilizes the joint and prevents the anteroposterior displacement of the tibia to the femur. The anterior cruciate ligament is composed of type I collagen fibers, has a complex anatomy and plays an important role in the functioning of the knee. Rupture of the ACL is often associated with a mechanism of injury, which involves strong rotational forces and valgus load on the knee. Diagnosis can be made with the help of clinical tests, with the Lachman test being the most accurate. Misdiagnosis after clinical testing is not impossible, so the use of imaging tests, such as magnetic resonance imaging, can be useful for a more accurate diagnosis. There are conservative and surgical treatments for ACL injuries. The goals of treating an individual with an ACL rupture include restoring knee function, removing psychological barriers, preventing further injury, and reducing the risk of knee osteoarthritis. Conservative treatment includes physical therapy to strengthen the muscles around the knee, but it is necessary to be aware that the knee remains unstable and vulnerable to injury for some time after the treatment itself. Patients who opt for conservative treatment may need to adjust their activities, especially those who return to sports with frequent rotations and sudden changes in direction. Special emphasis is placed on neuromuscular training, including perturbation training, which helps to improve the dynamic stability of the knee. In the rehabilitation process, it is important to adjust the activity according to the type of sport that the individual performs and the level of physical fitness. Rehabilitation involves several stages, from the elimination of acute symptoms to a gradual return to sports activities. The importance of an individual approach and follow-up of patients through different life stages is emphasized, as goals, values and life priorities may change over time.
Keywords:Knee, anterior cruciate ligament, physiotherapy treatment, rehabilitation.
