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Authors:ID Zelič, Jakob (Author)
ID Višič, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DIP_Zelic_Jakob_2024.pdf (1,32 MB)
MD5: 885D4133E8043E1B841E5EF167725B74
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Incidenca raka dojke predstavlja resen javnozdravstveni problem. Pri zgodnjem odkrivanju raka dojke je pomembna predvsem učinkovita preventiva, zgodnje prepoznavanje simptomov in ustrezno ukrepanje ob zaznavanju nenavadnih sprememb. V raziskavi diplomske naloge smo preverili informiranost žensk o zgodnjem odkrivanju raka dojke. Metode: Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu. S pomočjo pregleda bibliografskih baz ter strokovne literature smo pridobili primarne in sekundarne vire. Podatke za analizo smo pridobili z anketnim vprašalnikom, ki je bil na voljo prek spletne platforme 1ka. Sodelovanje je bilo prostovoljno, omejeno izključno na ženske. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 379 anketirank. Rezultati: Raziskovalni vzorec je predstavljal žensko populacijo, starejšo od 20 let. Razvrstili smo jih v starostne skupine, skoraj polovico pridobljenih rezultatov so predstavljale ženske med 20. in 29. letom starosti (46 %). Po mnenju anketirank spada rak dojke na 2. mesto glede na pojavnost v populaciji. Večina anketirank pozna program ozaveščanja o raku dojke DORA, vpliv dejavnikov na možnost nastanka raka dojke, prav tako pa tudi simptome. Ob opažanju sprememb bi obiskale zdravnika oziroma spremljale spremembe. Največ žensk samopregledovanje izvaja le nekajkrat na leto, 4 % anketirank se nikoli ne pregleduje, prav tako pa večina ne pozna ustreznega časa za samopregledovanje. Razprava: V diplomski nalogi smo ugotovili, da ženske dobro poznajo simptome in dejavnike tveganja za nastanek raka dojke. Analizirani podatki kažejo, da ženske samopregledovanja ne izvajajo dovolj redno in ne poznajo ustreznega časa v mesecu za samopregledovanje. Na pregledih od medicinskih sester ne prejmejo dovolj informacij o samopregledovanju, po drugi strani pa ženske lastno znanje o samopregledovanju ocenjujejo kot dobro.
Keywords:rak dojke, medicinska sestra, samopregledovanje, preventiva
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10832 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:212627203 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:28.09.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Background: The incidence of breast cancer represents a serious public health problem. Effective prevention, early recognition of symptoms and appropriate action upon detection of unusual changes are important in the early detection of breast cancer. In the thesis research, we checked women's knowledge about early detection of breast cancer. Methods: The research was based on a quantitative research approach. With the help of a review of bibliographic databases and professional literature, we obtained primary and secondary sources. The data for the analysis was obtained using a survey questionnaire, which was available on the 1ka online platform. Participation was voluntary, limited exclusively to women. There were 379 respondents participating in the survey. Results: The research sample represented the female population older than 20 years. We classified them into age groups, and almost half of the obtained results were provided by women between the ages of 20 and 29 (46%). According to the respondents, breast cancer ranks second in terms of incidence in the population, and most of the women are familiar with the DORA breast cancer awareness program. Most of the respondents know the influence of factors on the possibility of breast cancer, as well as the symptoms. If they noticed changes, they would visit a doctor or monitor the changes. The majority of women perform self-examination only a few times a year, but still 4% of respondents never get themselves examined. Most do not know the appropriate time for self-examination. Discussion: In the diploma thesis, we found out that women are well aware of the symptoms and risk factors of breast cancer. The analyzed data show that, despite this, women do not perform self-examination regularly enough and do not know the appropriate time of the month for self-examination. They do not receive enough information about self-examination from nurses at examinations, yet women rate their own knowledge about self-examination as good.
Keywords:breast cancer, nurse, self-examination, prevention
