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Authors:ID Nosan, Klara (Author)
ID Rakuša Krašovec, Kristina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 1361$$klara_nosan_pacient_s_crevesno_stomo__(1).pdf (1,45 MB)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Stoma je odprtina na trebušni steni, ki jo je mogoče povezati z našim prebavnim ali urinskim sistemom, poznamo pa tudi dihalne stome. Stoma je videti kot majhen rožnat prirastek, prišit na telo. Ker stome nimajo mišic, se urin in blato izločata nenadzorovano. Stome delimo glede na čas trajanja, torej na začasne in stalne. Črevesne stome delimo na stome debelega črevesja in tankega črevesja. V diplomski nalogi se bomo opredelili na življenje pacienta s črevesno stomo in spremembo življenjskega sloga. Namen raziskave je preučiti kakovost življenja pacienta s črevesno stomo. Metoda: Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu ter deskriptivni metodi dela. Za potrebe empiričnega dela smo zbirali, analizirali in sintetizirali primarne ter sekundarne vire. Primarne podatke smo analizirali s pridobljeno tehniko anketiranja. Vir podatkov je bil tudi pregled domače in tuje literature ter internih baz (PubMed, Cobiss). Rezultati: V anketi je sodelovalo 100 anketirancev. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da so 49 (49 %) anketirancem uvedli črevesno stomo zaradi raka debelega črevesa. 35 (47 %) anketirancev se sooča z vnetjem kože okoli stome. Kolostomo ima izpeljano 63 (63 %) anketirancev. Raziskava je pokazala, da se 86 (86 %) anketirancev strinja, da je uvedba stome vplivala na njihovo življenje. Velika večina anketirancev 81 (81 %) trdi, da ima stoma velik vpliv na samopodobo. Razprava: V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da spol, starost in socialni status ne vplivajo na vpeljavo črevesne stome. Največ anketirancev ima nameščeno kolostomo, kar pomeni, da imajo stomo izpeljano na levem delu trebuha. Ker ima večina naših anketirancev stomo več kot eno leto, lahko predvidevamo, da je njihova stoma trajna. Prav tako lahko na podlagi naše raziskave ugotovimo, da so pacienti dobili dobra navodila o negi stome, saj je večina anketirancev odgovorila, da za oskrbo stome porabijo manj kot 20 minut. V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da do stome največkrat privede rak debelega črevesa ali rak danke.
Keywords:stoma, ileostoma, kolostoma, zapleti, prolaps, samopodoba, življenjski slog.
Year of publishing:2024
Publication date in ReVIS:28.09.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Introduction: A stoma is an opening on the abdominal wall that can be connected to our digestive or urinary system, and we also know respiratory stomas. A stoma looks like a small, pink growth sewn onto the body. Since stomas have no muscles, urine and stool are excreted uncontrollably. We divide stomas according to the duration, i.e. temporary and permanent stomas. Intestinal stomas are divided into colon and small intestine stomas. In the diploma thesis, we will focus on the life of a patient with an intestinal stoma and the change in lifestyle. Methods: The research was based on a quantitative research approach and a descriptive method of work. For the needs of the empirical work, we collected, analyzed and synthesized primary and secondary sources. We analyzed the primary data using the acquired surveying technique. The data source was also reviewed domestic and foreign literature and internal databases (PubMed, Cobiss). Results: 100 respondents participated in the survey. Through the research, we found that 49 (49%) respondents had an intestinal stoma introduced due to colon cancer. 35 (47%) respondents face skin inflammation around the stoma. 63 (63%) respondents had a colostomy. The survey showed that 86 (86%) of the respondents agreed that the introduction of a stoma had an impact on their life. The vast majority of respondents 81 (81%) claim that a stoma has a great impact on self-esteem. Discussion: In the research, we found that gender, age and social status do not affect the insertion of an intestinal stoma. Most of the respondents have a colostomy, which means that they have a stoma on the left side of the abdomen. Since most of our respondents have had a stoma for more than a year, we can assume that their stoma is permanent. Also, based on our research, we can conclude that the patients received good instructions on stoma care, as most of the respondents answered that they spend less than 20 minutes on stoma care. In the research, we found that cancer of the colon or rectal cancer most often leads to a stoma.
Keywords:stoma, ileostomy, colostomy, complications, prolapse, self-image, lifestyle.
