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Title:Odnos do zdravja in bolezni v različnih kulturah
Authors:ID Orožen, Tea (Author)
ID Filej, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Orozen_Tea_2024.pdf (1,30 MB)
MD5: 73C97747DBCB307E8EDE16405EEBB02D
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Kulturno ozadje ima pomemben vpliv na več vidikov posameznikovega življenja, vključno z vedenjem, religijo, prepričanji, prehranjevanjem ter odnosom do bolezni, bolečin, zdravja in zdravstvene oskrbe. Različne kulture obravnavajo zdravje in bolezen na svoj način in se nanjo različno odzivajo, kar predstavlja precejšen izziv zdravstvenemu sistemu. Preučevali smo razlike med odnosom do zdravja in bolezni v različnih kulturah. Raziskali smo, kako kulturne razlike vplivajo na oblikovanje individualnih ter skupinskih odnosov do zdravja, vključno z razumevanjem zdravja, načinov zdravljenja, vzrokov za bolezni in preventivnih ukrepov. Metode: Uporabili smo kvalitativno metodo. Podatke smo zbrali s polstrukturiranim intervjujem, ki nam je v največji možni meri zagotavljal razumevanje in razlago običajev, obnašanja, prepričanj ter vrednot predstavnikov različnih kultur (2 Roma, 2 Muslimana, 2 Jehovovi priči, 2 vegana) ter dvema zdravstvenima delavcema. Polstrukturirani intervjuji so bili snemani, prepisani in analizirani. Kodiranje je vključevalo pregledovanje prepisanih podatkov z namenom ugotavljanja ponavljajočih se vzorcev, tem in kategorij. Kodirane podatke smo analizirali. Rezultati: Pri preučevanju pogledov na zdravje in bolezni v različnih kulturah nismo zaznali večjih razlik, razen pri Muslimankah in Rominjah, ki izražajo jasno preferenco po zdravstveni oskrbi s strani ženske zdravstvene delavke. Ugotovili smo velik vpliv vere na zdravstveno obravnavo – zavračanje transfuzije zaradi verskih prepričanj pri Jehovovih pričah, ne uživanje terapije med postom pri Muslimanih. Intervjuvanci so mnenja, da so zaradi svoje kulture pogosto diskriminirani. Zdravstvenim delavcem stik s pripadniki druge kulture predstavlja izziv ter področje za osebnostno in poklicno rast. Največja težava, s katero pa se srečujejo pa je komuniciranje – nerazumevanje jezika. Razprava: Vsaka od preučevanih skupin ima svoje poglede, edinstvena prepričanja ter prakse, osredotočene na zdravje in bolezen, ki izvirajo iz njihovega verskega, kulturnega in tradicionalnega ozadja. Celostna obravnava razlik med pripadniki različnih kultur in veroizpovedi terja od zdravstvenega osebja spoštovanje verskih in kulturnih raznolikosti ter prilagoditev zdravstvene oskrbe potrebam in prepričanjem posameznikov.
Keywords:zdravstvena oskrba, kultura, kulturne skupine, kulturne razlike, odnos do zdravja in bolezni
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10872 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:211514627 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:10.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Attitudes towards health and illness in different cultures
Abstract:Theoretical Background: Cultural background has a significant impact on several aspects of an individual's life, including behavior, religion, beliefs, diet, and attitudes toward illness, pain, health, and medical care. Different cultures treat health and illness in their own way and respond to it differently, which presents a considerable challenge to the health care system. We studied the differences between attitudes towards health and illness in different cultures. We investigated how cultural differences affect the formation of individual and group attitudes towards health, including the understanding of health, methods of treatment, causes of diseases and preventive measures. Methods: We used a qualitative method and collected data through a semi-structured interview, which provided us with an understanding and interpretation of the customs, behavior, beliefs and values of representatives of different cultures (2 Roma, 2 Muslims, 2 Jehovah's Witnesses, 2 vegans) and two health workers as much as possible. Semi-structured interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed. Coding involved reviewing the prescribed data to identify recurring patterns, themes, and categories. The coded data were analyzed. Results: When examining views on health and illness in different cultures, we did not detect major differences, except for Muslim women and Roma women, who express a clear preference for health care by a female health worker. We found a large influence of religion on medical treatment - refusal of transfusion due to religious beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses, not consumption of therapy during fasting among Muslims. The interviewees have the opinion that they are often discriminated because of their culture. For healthcare workers, contact with members of another culture represents a challenge and an area for personal and professional growth. The biggest problem they face is communication - not understanding the language. Discussion: Each of the studied groups has its own views, unique beliefs and practices focused on health and illness, which stem from their religious, cultural and traditional backgrounds. The comprehensive treatment of differences between members of different cultures and religions demands from the medical staff respect for religious and cultural diversity and adaptation of medical care to the needs and beliefs of individuals.
Keywords:health care, culture, cultural groups, cultural differences, attitude towards health and illness
