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Title:Raziskovanje odporov pri kognitivno vedenjski terapiji anksioznosti
Authors:ID Vujinovic, Daria (Author)
ID Stepišnik Perdih, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Karajić, Emil (Comentor)
Files:.pdf 11169$$zakljucno_delo.pdf (2,17 MB)
MD5: DBFB6D5E354541482A130856E18EBBB6
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Odpor v svetovanju je kompleksen pojav, ki se kaže na različne načine in vpliva na učinkovitost procesa. Svetovalci se pogosto srečujejo s svetovanci, ki se negativno odzivajo na intervencije in ne delujejo v svojem najboljšem interesu. Medtem ko je bil odpor tradicionalno razumljen kot nepripravljenost svetovanca na spremembe, sodobni pristopi poudarjajo, da je to rezultat interakcij v svetovalnem odnosu. Raziskave kažejo, da odpor ni redek, vendar svetovalci pogosto spregledajo njegove znake, kar vodi v neuspešno svetovanje. Odpor izhaja iz psihoanalitične teorije, vendar se je razširil na več teoretičnih smeri, ki ponujajo različne definicije in pristope k premagovanju odpora. Večina modelov priznava, da je odpor oblika samoohranitve, ki pomaga svetovancem pri soočanju z negotovostjo med terapijo. Ta naloga raziskuje odpor v svetovanju, s poudarkom na kognitivno-vedenjskem pristopu 3. vala pri zdravljenju anksioznosti. Metodologija je vključevala kvalitativno analizo podatkov, zbranih med srečanji s petimi svetovankami, ki so bile deležne kognitivno-vedenjske terapije 3. vala za anksioznost. Podatki so bili zbrani z opazovanjem, intervjuji in vprašalniki. Analiza je vključevala prepoznavanje in razvrščanje različnih vrst odpora ter zbiranje podatkov o učinkovitosti različnih pristopov pri premagovanju odpora. Preučili smo poročila svetovank in sestavili listo priporočil, kako lahko svetovalec pomaga svetovancu pri premagovanju odpora. Ključne ugotovitve kažejo, da se je odpor med svetovankami manifestiral v različnih oblikah. Pomembna ugotovitev je, da vse svetovanke niso kazale enake stopnje, oblike in vzorce odpora. Raziskava je pokazala, da je za uspešno premagovanje odpora ključno, da svetovalci prepoznajo in razumejo različne oblike odpora, prilagodijo svoje strategije glede na specifične potrebe svetovanca ter izobražujejo svetovance o pojavu odpora. Učinkovite strategije vključujejo vzpostavitev varnega in zaupljivega odnosa ter uporabo metod motivacijskega intervjuja. Naše delo prispeva k boljšemu razumevanju odpora in lahko pomaga pri izboljševanju svetovalne prakse, kar omogoča doseganje boljših rezultatov.
Keywords:odpor v svetovanju, kognitivno-vedenjska terapija, zdravljenje anksioznosti, učinkovitost svetovanja, svetovalni odnos
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11057 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:28.11.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Exploration of resistance in cognitive behavioral therapy of anxiety
Abstract:Resistance in counseling is a complex phenomenon that manifests in various ways and impacts the effectiveness of the process. Counselors often encounter clients who respond negatively to interventions and do not act in their best interest. While resistance was traditionally understood as a client's unwillingness to change, modern approaches emphasize that it results from interactions within the counseling relationship. Research indicates that resistance is not uncommon, yet counselors often overlook its signs, leading to unsuccessful counseling. Resistance originates from psychoanalytic theory but has expanded into many theoretical approaches, each offering different definitions and methods for overcoming resistance. Most models recognize that resistance is a form of self-preservation, helping clients cope with uncertainty during therapy. This thesis explores resistance in counseling, focusing on 3rd wave cognitive-behavioral approaches to treating anxiety. The methodology involved a qualitative analysis of data collected during sessions with five female clients who underwent 3rd wave cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety. Data were gathered through observation, interviews and questionnaires. The analysis included identifying and categorizing different types of resistance and collecting data on the effectiveness of various approaches to overcoming resistance. We reviewed clients' reports and compiled a list of recommendations on how counselors can assist clients in overcoming resistance. Key findings suggest that resistance among clients manifested in various forms. An important finding is that not all clients exhibited the same levels, forms, and patterns of resistance. The research shows that successfully overcoming resistance requires counselors to recognize and understand different forms of resistance, adjust their strategies according to the client's specific needs and educate clients about the phenomenon of resistance. Effective strategies include establishing a safe and trusting relationship and using motivational interviewing techniques. Our work contributes to a better understanding of resistance and can help improve counseling practices, that may lead to better outcomes.
Keywords:resistance in counseling, cognitive-behavioral therapy, anxiety treatment, counseling effectiveness, client-counselor relationship
