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Title:Učinki predoperativne fizioterapevtske priprave na operacijo prednjega križnega ligamenta : pregled literature
Authors:ID Hergula, Eli (Author)
ID Herc, Mladen (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UAMEU - Alma Mater Europaea University
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Poškodba prednje križne vezi velja za resno poškodbo, ki ima močan vpliv na biomehaniko kolenskega sklepa. Največ poškodb prednje križne vezi nastane med športno dejavnostjo in sodi med najpogostejše poškodbe kolenskega sklepa. Po poškodbi se kot največja težava pojavlja šibkost spodnjih okončin: ekstenzorjev, fleksorjev kolena, omejenost plantarne fleksije gležnja in zmanjšana moč fleksorjev kolka. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je skozi pregled strokovne in znanstvene literature ugotoviti, kakšni so učinki predoperativne fizioterapevtske priprave na operacijo prednjega križnega ligamenta. Metode dela: Uporabila sem metodo deskripcije, komparacije, kompilacije in induktivno metodo. Strokovno in znanstveno literaturo sem izbrala na podlagi vključitvenih meril, iskala sem jo po naslednjih podatkovnih bazah: PubMed, SienceDirect, Web of Science, ProQuest. Izbrani članki so bili po PEDro-lestvici ocenjeni z oceno 6 ali več. Rezultati: Po zaključku natančne analize izbranih strokovnih in znanstvenih člankov sem ugotovila, da predoperativna fizioterapevtska priprava učinkovito vpliva tako na stanje poškodovanca v predoperativnem obdobju kakor tudi v obdobju po operativnem posegu. Ciljno izbrane fizioterapevtske metode se odražajo v boljši telesni pripravljenosti posameznika pred operacijo ter posledično lažjem in učinkovitejšem okrevanju po operativnem posegu. Diskusija: Po preučeni strokovni literaturi za pisanje diplomskega dela je mogoče razbrati, da je izbira fizioterapevtskih metod in tehnik v obdobju predoperativne fizioterapevtske priprave pred operacijo prednjega križnega ligamenta dokaj podobna. Fizioterapevtske metode, opisane v diplomskem delu, imajo učinkovit vpliv na zmanjšanje otekline kolenskega sklepa, pridobitev boljšega obsega gibljivosti poškodovanega uda in pridobitev večje mišične moči spodnjih okončin.
Keywords:fizioterapija, poškodba prednje križne vezi, prehabilitacija, fizikalni dejavniki v fizioterapiji
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:E. Hergula
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:[6] f., 50 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11061 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:217027331 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:02.12.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical Framework: Anterior cruciate ligament injury is a serious injury that has a significant impact on the biomechanics of the knee joint. Most ACL injuries occur during sports activities and are among the most common knee injuries. After the injury, the primary problem is the weakness of the lower limbs: knee extensors and flexors, limited ankle plantar flexion, and reduced strength of hip flexors. Aim: The aim of this thesis is to review professional and scientific literature to determine the effects of preoperative physiotherapy preparation for ACL surgery. Methods: I used methods of description, comparison, compilation, and inductive reasoning. I selected professional and scientific literature based on inclusion criteria, searching through the following databases: PubMed, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, ProQuest. The selected articles were rated with a score 6 or higher on the PEDro scale. Results: After a thorough analysis of the selected professional and scientific articles, I found that preoperative physiotherapy preparation has a beneficial effect on the condition of the patient before and after operation. Targeted physiotherapy methods result in improved physical condition before and consequently easier and more effective recovery after the surgery. Discussion: After reviewing the professional literature for this thesis, physiotherapy methods and techniques during the preoperative physiotherapy preparation period for ACL surgery is quite similar. Described methods have an effective impact on reducing knee joint swelling, improving the range of motion of the injured limb, and increasing muscle strength in the lower limbs.
Keywords:physiotherapy, anterior cruciate ligament injury, prehabilitation, physical factors in physiotherapy
