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Title:Priložnosti in ovire za izvajanje holistične zdravstvene nege
Authors:ID Deželan Marenče, Ingrid (Author)
ID Filej, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 2475$$15-11-2024-ingrid_dezelan_marence_magistrsko_delo.pdf (1,79 MB)
MD5: B43BC258F2B67375816C20636B9ABF9B
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Holistična zdravstvena nega naslavlja medsebojno povezanost uma, telesa, duha, kulture, čustev, odnosov, konteksta in okolja. Področje združuje poklicne kompetence, znanje zdravstvene nege in kulture, teorijo, intuicijo in izkušnje kot vodilo za gradnjo odnosa s pacientom. Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, kakšne so priložnosti oziroma ovire za izvajanje holistične zdravstvene nege, s katerimi se medicinske sestre soočajo v praksi. Metode: V magistrskem delu smo uporabili kvalitativno metodo raziskovanja, metodo deskripcije za opis osnovnih pojmov preučevanja ter induktivno-deduktivno metodo za pojasnjevanje ugotovljenih in odkrivanje novih spoznanj. Podatke smo zbrali z izvedbo poglobljenih delno strukturiranih intervjujev. V raziskavo smo vključili 16 diplomiranih medicinskih sester in zdravstvenika. Vzorec je namenski. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da so si diplomirane medicinske sestre in diplomirana zdravstvenika enotni glede nekaterih ključnih ovir in priložnosti pri izvajanju holistične zdravstvene nege. Časovne omejitve, pomanjkanje kadra, kompetence, kulturna kompetentnost, komunikacija in osebna odgovornost so ključna področja, ki vplivajo na izvajanje holistične zdravstvene nege. Kulturna kompetentnost se izkaže kot pomemben dejavnik pri holistični obravnavi. Raznolikost odgovorov odraža kompleksnost holistične zdravstvene nege, s katero se diplomirane medicinske sestre in diplomirana zdravstvenika soočajo v vsakdanji praksi. Razprava: Poleg omenjenih ovir in priložnosti, ki vplivajo na izvajanje holistične zdravstvene nege, se kaže tudi potreba po boljšem sodelovanju med različnimi sektorji zdravstva, socialni oskrbi in izobraževanju. V prihodnosti bi bilo ključno investirati v izobraževanje, izboljšanje delovnega okolja ter spodbujanje medkulturnega sodelovanja in komunikacije. Skozi nenehno in usmerjeno prizadevanje za osebno odgovornost ter holistično razumevanje pacientovih potreb lahko dosežemo napredek v kakovosti holistične zdravstvene nege.
Keywords:holistična zdravstvena nega, holistična medicinska sestra, kompetence v zdravstveni negi, kultura v zdravstveni negi
Year of publishing:2024
Publication date in ReVIS:22.12.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Opportunities and barriers to provide holistic nursing care
Abstract:Introduction: Holistic nursing addresses the interconnectedness of mind, body, spirit, culture, emotions, relationships, context, and environment. The field combines professional competencies, knowledge of nursing and culture, theory, intuition, and experience to guide for building a relationship with the patient. The purpose of the master's thesis is to determine what are the opportunities or obstacles of holistic nursing that nurses face in practice. Methods: In the master's thesis, we used the qualitative method of research, the method of description to specify the basic concepts of the study, and the inductive-deductive method to explain the findings and discover new knowledge. Data was collected by conducting in-depth semi-structured interviews. We included 16 graduate nurses in the research. The sample is purposive, employed nurses are included in the research. Results: We found that healthcare professionals agree on some key obstacles and opportunities in implementing holistic nursing care. Time constraints, lack of staff, competence, cultural competence, communication, and personal responsibility are key areas that affect the implementation of holistic nursing. Cultural competence is highlighted as an important factor in holistic treatment. The variety of responses reflects the complexity of holistic nursing that healthcare professionals face in daily practice. Discussion: In addition to the obstacles and opportunities mentioned, there is a need for better cooperation between the various sectors of healthcare, social care, and education. Only through continuous and focused effort for personal responsibility and a holistic understanding of the patient's needs, can we make progress in the quality of holistic nursing care.
Keywords:holistic nursing care, holistic nurse, competencies in nursing, culture in health care
