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Authors:ID Šušak, Veselka (Author)
ID Leskovic, Ljiljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 2506$$diploma.pdf (2,11 MB)
MD5: F4648D01593D3E5B8764C64CDCC62F61
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Siva mrena je bolezen, ki prizadene veliko starejših ljudi in povzroča zmanjšano ostrino vida, kar prispeva k slabši kakovosti življenja starostnika. Namen diplomske naloge je preučiti vlogo medicinske sestre pri obravnavi starostnika s sivo mreno. Metoda: Raziskava je temeljila na kvalitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu z deskriptivno metodo dela. Za potrebe empiričnega dela smo zbrali, analizirali in sintetizirali primarne ter sekundarne vire. Primarne podatke za analizo smo pridobili s tehniko intervjuvanja. Vir podatkov je bil tudi pregled strokovne in znanstvene literature, pridobljene s pomočjo podatkovnih baz Cobiss, PubMed, Google učenjak. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da imajo medicinske sestre ključno in kompleksno vlogo pri obravnavi starostnikov pred in med operacijo sive mrene ter po njej. Njihovo strokovno delo zahteva individualni pristop s poudarkom na zagotavljanju varnosti pacienta. Pomembne naloge medicinskih sester so informiranje pacienta, timsko delo in celostna obravnava. Med glavnimi izzivi, ki vplivajo na kakovost oskrbe, so prenatrpanost operacijskih programov, pomanjkanje kadra in dolge čakalne dobe. Informiranje poteka ustno in pisno, pri čemer je ključnega pomena preverjanje razumevanja informacij. V pogosto koristno podporo so tudi svojci pacientov. Udeleženci raziskave so poudarili, da pomanjkanje kadra otežuje kakovostno komunikacijo in informiranje. Pred operacijo medicinske sestre izvajajo specifične preiskave in pripravljajo pacienta. Med operacijo spremljajo vitalne funkcije, instrumentirajo in dokumentirajo postopek. Po operaciji se osredotočajo na aplikacijo terapije, izobraževanje pacienta o nadaljnji oskrbi in preprečevanje pooperativnih zapletov. Tako njihovi strokovnost in prilagodljivost pomembno prispevata h kakovosti celotne obravnave pacienta. Razprava: V izvedeni raziskavi smo ugotovili, da oftalmološke medicinske sestre potrebujejo visoko stopnjo specifičnega znanja in veščin pri oskrbi starostnikov po operaciji sive mrene. Z različnimi praksami za operacijo sive mrene in naraščajočim številom starostnikov z motnjami vida obstaja možnost za boljšo organizacijo storitev in kakovost oskrbe.
Keywords:Vloga medicinske sestre, operacija, siva mrena, starostnik.
Year of publishing:2024
Publication date in ReVIS:22.12.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Background: Cataract is a disease that affects many elderly people and causes reduced visual acuity, which contributes to a poorer quality of life for the elderly. The purpose of the diploma thesis is to examine the role of the nurse in treating an elderly person with cataracts. Methods: The research was based on a qualitative research approach with a descriptive and method. For the needs of the empirical work, we collected, analyzed and synthesized primary and secondary sources. The primary data for the analysis was obtained using the interviewing technique. The source of data was also a review of professional and scientific literature obtained with the help of Cobis, Pubmed, and Google Scholar databases. Results: We found that nurses play a vital and complex role in treating the elderly before, during and after cataract surgery. Their professional work requires an individual approach with an emphasis on ensuring patient safety. Important duties of nurses include informing the patient, teamwork and holistic treatment. Among the main challenges affecting the quality of care are the overcrowding of operating programs, lack of staff and long waiting times. Informing is done verbally and in writing, and it is crucial to check the understanding of the information. Relatives of patients are also often a useful support. The participants pointed out that the lack of staff makes quality communication and information difficult. Before surgery, nurses perform specific tests and prepare the patient. During the operation, they monitor vital functions, instrument and document the procedure. After surgery, they focus on the application of therapy, patient education about follow-up care, and prevention of postoperative complications. Thus, their expertise and adaptability significantly contribute to the quality of the overall treatment of the patient. Discussion: In the conducted research, we found that ophthalmic nurses need a high level of specific knowledge and skills in caring for the elderly after cataract surgery. With different practices for cataract surgery and the growing number of elderly people with visual impairments, there is room for better organization of services and quality of care.
Keywords:Nurse role, surgery, cataracts, elderly.
