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Authors:ID Markovčič, Luka (Author)
ID Leskovic, Ljiljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 2537$$markovcic_luka_diplomska_naloga_popravek_6.12.pdf (1,70 MB)
MD5: 94CD68601116299B87BD5C1EA32C6E29
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Teorija Dorothee Orem o samooskrbi je zaradi svoje uporabnosti in univerzalnosti ena najpomembnejših in najbolj razširjenih teorij v zdravstveni negi. Temelji na predpostavki, da se mora človek za ohranitev življenja, zdravja in optimalnega delovanja v okviru svojih zmožnosti neprestano truditi. Teorija poudarja temeljni pomen samostojnosti za ohranjanje neodvisnosti posameznika. Človeka opisuje kot celostno bitje, ki deluje na biološki, simbolični in družbeni ravni. Samooskrba se izraža v skrbi zase in za druge, kar vključuje odkrivanje, razvijanje in uporabo virov za razumevanje in zadovoljevanje potreb. Namen raziskave je preučiti vlogo teorije samooskrbe v praksi zdravstvene nege. Metoda: Raziskava je temeljila na kvalitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu z deskriptivno metodo dela. Za potrebe empiričnega dela so bili zbrani, analizirani in sintetizirani tako primarni kot sekundarni viri. Primarni podatki so bili pridobljeni z intervjuvanjem, kot instrument za zbiranje podatkov je bil uporabljen polstrukturirani intervju. Rezultati: V raziskavi je sodelovalo šest diplomiranih medicinskih sester, starih med 27 in 59 let. Vse so končale šolanje na zdravstveni fakulteti, ena je opravila tudi magisterij. Intervjuvanke se strinjajo, da teorija samooskrbe poudarja celostno obravnavo pacienta, predvsem pa krepitev njegove samostojnosti. Kot največje izzive navajajo težave z nekooperativnimi, agresivnimi in pasivnimi pacienti, ki jim zaradi pomanjkanja časa in kadra težje zagotovijo personaliziran pristop. Učinkovitost izvajalci zdravstvene nege ocenjujejo na podlagi opazovanja pacientove samostojnosti, motivacije in napredka pri okrevanju po operaciji ali izboljšanja obstoječih negovalnih diagnoz. Razprava: Na podlagi rezultatov smo ugotovili, da medicinske sestre v procesu zdravstvene nege uporabljajo komunikacijo kot osnovno orodje za pridobivanje vpogleda v pacientovo počutje in oceno njegovega napredka. Kljub prizadevanjem za personaliziran pristop, ki temelji na teoriji samooskrbe – kjer naj bi pacient aktivno sodeloval v procesu obravnave – se pogosto srečujejo z izzivi, kot so nekooperativnost, nezaupanje in agresivnost pacientov. Rezultati kažejo, da je teorija samooskrbe v praksi velikokrat težko uresničljiva, ker aktivna vloga pacienta v procesu nege ni vedno mogoča zaradi različnih psihosocialnih ali fizičnih ovir. Zaradi teh izzivov mora zdravstveno osebje razviti fleksibilne strategije, ki omogočajo čim bolj personalizirano obravnavo ne glede na stopnjo sodelovanja pacienta.
Keywords:samooskrba, nega, proces zdravstvene nege, samostojnost, medicinska sestra.
Year of publishing:2024
Publication date in ReVIS:22.12.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical background: Doroteja Orem's theory of self-care is one of the most important and widespread theories in nursing due to its applicability and universality. It is based on the assumption that people need to constantly invest effort in themselves and in their environment in order to maintain life, health and function optimally within their capabilities. The theory emphasizes the crucial importance of autonomy, which is essential for maintaining individual independence. It describes man as a holistic being that functions on the biological, symbolic and social levels. Self-care is expressed in caring for oneself and others, which involves discovering, developing and using resources to understand and meet needs. The purpose of the research is to examine the role of self-care theory in nursing practice. Method: The research was based on a qualitative research approach with a descriptive method. For the needs of the empirical work, both primary and secondary sources were collected, analyzed and synthesized. Primary data was obtained using the interview technique, using a semi-structured interview as an instrument for data collection. Results: Six graduate nurses aged between 27 and 59 participated in the research. All of them completed their education at the medical faculty, and one of them also completed a master's degree. The interviewees agree that the theory of self-care emphasizes the holistic treatment of the patient, with an emphasis on strengthening his independence. They cite problems with non-participative, aggressive and passive patients as the biggest challenges, to whom it is difficult to provide an individualized approach due to lack of time and staff. Effectiveness is assessed by nursing care providers based on observing the patient's independence, motivation, and progress in recovery from surgery or improvement of existing nursing diagnoses. Discussion: Based on the results, we found that nurses in the nursing process use communication as a key tool for gaining insight into the patient's well-being and assessing his progress. Despite the efforts for an individualized approach based on the theory of self-care, where the patient should actively participate in the treatment process, challenges such as non-participation, closure and aggressiveness of patients are often encountered. The results show that the theory of self-care is often difficult to implement in practice, as it presupposes an active role of the patient in the care process, which is not always possible due to various psychosocial or physical obstacles. Because of these challenges, it is crucial that medical staff develop flexible strategies that allow for the most individualized treatment possible, regardless of the patient's level of cooperation.
Keywords:Self-care, care, nursing process, independence, nurse.
