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Authors:ID Cimermančič Žibert, Tadeja (Author)
ID Šimec, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 1E8B0A67D334DD32E6B75AB58E29672B
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Sladkorna bolezen je stanje, ki vpliva na krvne žilice po celem telesu, najbolj pa v ledvicah in v očesu. Diabetična retinopatija je kot nevrodegenerativno in vaskularno obolenje najpogostejši kronični zaplet sladkorne bolezni in tudi najpogostejši vzrok slepote med delovno populacijo v razvitem svetu. Vloga medicinske sestre se začne z zdravstvenim vzgojnim delom, saj je pri bolnikih pomembno učenje in pridobivanje znanj o uvajanju inzulinskega zdravljenja ter prepoznavanje simptomov diabetične retinopatije. Ravno z učenjem se bolnika navadi, da je samostojen, hkrati pa se ta nauči zdravega načina življenja. Namen diplomske naloge je ugotoviti, kakšna je vloga medicinske sestre pri presejalnem programu diabetične retinopatije. Eden izmed ciljev je tudi raziskati, katere aktivnosti izvaja medicinska sestra pri presejalnem programu diabetične retinopatije. Metoda: Pri raziskavi smo uporabili kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop in deskriptivno metodo dela. Tehnika zbiranja podatkov je bila intervjuvanje. Vir podatkov je bil pregled domače in tuje literature ter internetnih baz (bibliografske baze podatkov, Cobiss, PubMed, SpringerLink). Vzorec je namenski. Opravili smo intervju s šestimi medicinskimi sestrami, ki so zaposlene na očesnem oddelku in delajo tudi v ambulanti za presejanje diabetične retinopatije. Podatke smo kodirali, rezultate pa smo prikazali v razpravi in zaključku. Rezultati: Ključna vloga medicinske sestre pri presejanju diabetične retinopatije je, da izvaja psihično in fizično pripravo pacienta na pregled. Pri pacientu opravi oceno vidne ostrine, izpolni vprašalnik in mu nato aplicira midriatične kapljice v oko za razširitev zenice. Vse intervjuvanke so tudi omenile, da opravijo slikanje očesnega ozadja pri pacientu. Štiri intervjuvanke so povedale, da pri pregledu opravljajo tudi zdravstveno vzgojno delo, od tega sta dve poudarili, da je zdravstveno vzgojno delo zelo pomembno. Ena intervjuvanka je navedla, da imajo pomembno vlogo tudi pri sami diagnostiki diabetične retinopatije. Štiri intervjuvanke so izpostavile, da je preventivno ozaveščanje pacientov zelo pomembno. Razprava: Vloga medicinske sestre pri presejalnem programu diabetične retinopatije je pomembna. Medicinske sestre imajo ključno vlogo pri fizični in psihični pripravi pacienta na pregled, slikovni diagnostiki očesa in pri vzgojno izobraževalnem procesu. Prav tako delujejo na vseh segmentih zdravljenja in pri preventivi. Pomembno je, da paciente ozaveščajo o urejenem krvnem sladkorju, redni udeležbi na preventivnem presejalnem pregledu enkrat letno, saj le tako lahko spremljajo in pravočasno zdravijo diabetično retinopatijo in preprečujejo zaplete, kot sta delna izguba vida ali celo slepota. Pomembno je tudi, da so medicinske sestre dobro izobražene in informirane o diabetični retinopatiji. Intervjuvanke so s svojo vlogo pri presejalnem programu dobro seznanjene in jo glede na odgovore v intervjuju tudi dobro opravljajo.
Keywords:sladkorna bolezen, diabetična retinopatija, presejalni program, medicinska sestra.
Year of publishing:2024
Publication date in ReVIS:22.12.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Background: Diabetes is a condition that affects blood vessels throughout the body, most notably in the kidneys and eyes. As a neurodegenerative and vascular disease, diabetic retinopathy is the most common chronic complication of diabetes and also the most common cause of blindness among the working population in the developed world. The nurse's role begins with health education work, as it is important for patients to learn and acquire knowledge about the introduction of insulin treatment and to recognize the symptoms of diabetic retinopathy. It is through teaching that the patient gets used to being independent, and at the same time learns a healthy way of life. The aim of the thesis is to determine the role of the nurse in the diabetic retinopathy screening program. One of the goals is also to investigate which activities the nurse performs in the diabetic retinopathy screening program. Method: In the research, we used a qualitative research approach and a descriptive method of work. The data collection technique was interviewing. The data source was a review of domestic and foreign literature and internet databases (bibliographic databases, Cobiss, PubMed, SpringerLink). The sample is purposeful. We conducted an interview with 6 nurses who work in the eye department and also work in the diabetic retinopathy transplant clinic. We coded the data and presented the results in the discussion and conclusion. Results: The key role of the nurse in diabetic retinopathy transplantation is to prepare the patient mentally and physically for the examination. The patient's visual acuity is assessed, a questionnaire is filled out and then mydriatic drops are applied to the eye to dilate the pupil. All the interviewees also mentioned that they perform imaging of the fundus of the patient's eye. Four interviewees said that during the examination they also perform health education work, of which two emphasized that health education work is very important. One interviewee stated that they also play an important role in the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy itself. Four interviewees pointed out that preventive awareness among patients is very importan Discussion: The role of the nurse in the diabetic retinopathy screening program is important. Nurses play a key role in the physical and psychological preparation of the patient for examination, imaging of the eye and in the educational process. They also work in all segments of treatment and prevention. It is important that patients are made aware of regulated blood sugar, regular participation in a preventive screening examination once a year, as this is the only way they can monitor and treat diabetic retinopathy in a timely manner and prevent complications such as partial vision loss or even blindness. It is also important that nurses are well educated and informed about diabetic retinopathy. The interviewees are well acquainted with their role in the screening program and, according to their answers in the interview, they perform it well.
Keywords:diabetes, diabetic retinopathy, screening program, nurse.
