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Title:Vpliv zgodnje rehabilitacije po ishemični možganski kapi
Authors:ID Sušec, Žana (Author)
ID Georgiev, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Abstract:Uvod in namen: Ishemična možganska kap (IMK) sodi med žariščne možgansko-žilne bolezni, ki so posledica okvare možganskih žil. Po preboleli IMK se lahko pri posameznikih pojavijo okvare v gibalnem področju ali drugih vidikih človekovega delovanja. Zgodnja rehabilitacija (ZR) sovpada z obdobjem spontanega okrevanja, ko je napredek največji, kar je ključnega pomena za končni funkcionalni izid. Osredotočena je predvsem na preprečevanje zapletov in vzdrževanje optimalnega funkcionalnega stanja. Pri ZR bolnikov po možganski kapi (MK), ki jo izvaja multidisciplinarna ekipa, je glavna naloga fizioterapevta povrnitev motoričnih funkcij s pomočjo različnih fizioterapevtskih metod in tehnik. V diplomski nalogi smo se osredotočili na proces ZR obravnave bolnikov po MK. Metode: S podrobnim pregledom literature, objavljene v obdobju od leta 1996 naprej, smo se osredotočili na ZR po MK. Po podrobnem pregledu smo z metodo deskripcije izbrano literaturo združili in predstavili ZR po IMK. Rezultati: Pri ZR se najhitreje izboljša bolnikovo funkcionalnost in samostojnost. Uporabnost: S pregledom člankov v Pubmedu in s pomočjo literature lahko dokažemo, da zgodnji fizioterapevtski postopki izboljšajo kakovost življenja bolnikov po MK. Omejitve: Potrebnih je še več raziskav na področju rehabilitacije, preprečevanja, ozaveščanja in zdravljenja IMK in večina raziskav in literature je usmerjena v splošno rehabilitacijo po IMK in je malo visokokakovostnih člankov.
Keywords:možganska kap, ishemična možganska kap, akutna možganska kap, zgodnja rehabilitacija, fizioterapevtska obravnava, rehabilitacija
Year of publishing:2024
Publication date in ReVIS:24.12.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of early rehabilitation after ischemic stroke
Abstract:Introduction and purpose: Ischemic stroke (IS) is classified as a focal cerebrovascular disease resulting from damage to cerebral blood vessels. After experiencing IS, individuals may exhibit impairments in motor function or other aspects of human functioning. Early rehabilitation (ER) coincides with the period of spontaneous recovery when progress is most significant, which is crucial for the final functional outcome. Its primary focus is on preventing complications and maintaining optimal functional status. In the rehabilitation of stroke patients, conducted by a multidisciplinary team, the physiotherapist's main task is to restore motor functions using various physiotherapy methods and techniques. In our thesis, we focused on the ER process for stroke patients. Methods: Through a detailed review of the literature, published in the period from 1996 onwards, we focused on early rehabilitation after stroke. After a detailed review, we combined the selected literature using the method of description and presented early rehabilitation after ischemic stroke. Results: Early rehabilitation improves the patient's functionality and independence the fastest. Applicability: By reviewing articles in PubMed and utilizing the literature, we can prove that early physiotherapy procedures improve the quality of life of patients after stroke. Limitations: More research is needed in the areas of ischemic stroke rehabilitation, prevention, awareness, and treatment. The vast majority of research and literature is focused on general rehabilitation after IMK. There are few high-quality articles.
Keywords:stroke, ischemic stroke, acute stroke, early rehabilitation, physiotherapeutic treatment, rehabilitation.
