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Title:Poslovni model za širitev izbranega podjetja : magistrsko delo študijskega programa druge bolonjske stopnje Management poslovnih sistemov
Authors:ID Dostal Ivanšek, Maša (Author)
ID Vadnjal, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Dostal_Ivansek_Masa_2024.pdf (5,72 KB)
MD5: A528E37918D92E0C3B64C525F0265988
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:UAMEU - Alma Mater Europaea University
Abstract:Razvoj trgovskih centrov in spletnih trgovin je mnoge male trgovce prisilil, da so zaprli svoje prodajalne. Obstajajo pa določeni segmenti, kjer kupci še vedno raje kupujejo v trgovinah, kjer izdelke lahko pogledajo, primejo v roke, se posvetujejo s prodajalko in šele nato odločijo za nakup. V magistrskem delu smo želeli preveriti, ali ta opažanja lahko potrdimo tudi z empirično raziskavo. Končni cilj magistrskega dela je razvoj poslovnega modela za širitev podjetja Trgovina Maša Dostal Ivanšek, s. p. Pred pripravo modela smo si postavili tri raziskovalna vprašanja, na katera smo odgovarjali s pomočjo različnih raziskovalnih metod. Odgovori na ta vprašanja so osnova za pripravo poslovnega modela, tržna analiza pa prikazuje nekatere dejavnike obnašanja potrošnikov na specifičnem trgu. Z namenom ugotoviti, kakšna je konkurenca v Novem mestu na področju osebnih daril, smo uporabilo Porterjevo analizo tržnih sil, podjetje smo na lokalnem trgu pozicionirali s pomočjo analize prednosti, slabosti, priložnosti in nevarnosti. Osrednji del našega dela pa je raziskava trga, ki smo jo izvedli med naključno izbranimi prebivalci Dolenjske in Bele krajine. Odgovori na raziskovalna vprašanja so bili osnova za razvoj našega poslovnega modela. Ugotovili smo, da je v Novem mestu smiselno odpreti specializirano prodajalno z darili slovenskega porekla, saj na tem področju ni prisotnih specializiranih ponudnikov z darilnim programom. Tudi rezultati ankete so pokazali, da so kupci naklonjeni kupovanju specifičnih visoko kakovostnih daril v specializiranih prodajalnah v živo in ne le na spletu. Predvidevamo, da taki odgovori niso značilni le za območje, kjer je bila raziskava opravljena, in lahko služijo kot kazalnik obnašanja potrošnikov tudi drugim podjetnikom na podobnih področjih delovanja. Podobno raziskavo bi lahko izvedli tudi na drugih prodajnih segmentih, za segment visoko kakovostnih daril pa dajejo odgovor o preferencah potrošnikov.
Keywords:poslovni model, podjetje, rast podjetja, širitev podjetja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:M. Dostal Ivanšek
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:[8] f., 79 str., [20] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11270 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:221239043 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:07.01.2025
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Secondary language

Abstract:The development of malls and online stores has forced many small retailers to close their stores. However, there are certain segments where customers still prefer to shop in stores, where they can look at the products, hold them in their hands, consult with the saleswoman and only then decide to buy. In the master's thesis, we wanted to check whether these observations can also be confirmed by empirical research. The final goal of the master's work is the development of a business model for the expansion of the company Trgovina Maša Dostal Ivanšek, s. p. Before preparing the model, we asked ourselves three research questions, which we answered with the help of different research methods. The answers to these questions are the basis for the preparation of a business model, and the market analysis shows some factors of consumer behavior in a specific market. In order to find out what the competition is like in Novi Mesto in the field of personal gifts, we used Porter's analysis of market forces, we positioned the company on the local market with the help of an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The central part of our work is a market survey, which we conducted among randomly selected residents of Dolenjska and Bela krajina. The answers to the research questions were the basis for the development of our business model. We found that it makes sense to open a specialized shop with gifts of Slovenian origin in Novi Mesto, since there are no specialized providers with a gift program in this area. The results of the survey also showed that customers are inclined to buy specific high-quality gifts in specialized stores live and not only online. We assume that such answers are not only typical of the area where the research was conducted, and can serve as an indicator of consumer behavior for other entrepreneurs in similar fields of activity. Similar research could be conducted on other sales segments, but for the segment of high-quality gifts they give an answer about consumer preferences.
Keywords:business model, company, company growth, expanding business
