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Title:Dejavniki, ki vplivajo na pojav covida-19 pri zdravstvenih delavcih
Authors:ID Mejaš, Petra (Author)
ID Kraigher, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Mejas_Petra_2025.pdf (1,56 MB)
MD5: D5FB8E71849C7A5CC72AD5BF0C36666D
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Pojav covida-19 v razsežnostih pandemije je imel izjemen vpliv na družbo in še zlasti na delovanje zdravstva. Proučevali smo dejavnike, ki lahko predstavljajo tveganje za okužbo zdravstvenih delavcev. Preverili smo, ali so zaposleni v zdravstvenih domovih imeli na voljo osebno varovalno opremo (OVO) in ali so uporabljali slednjo ter izvajali druge ukrepe za varovanje pred okužbo. Preverjali smo mnenje o izobraževanju glede varovanja pred okužbami pri delu in uporabi OVO ter povezavo med delovno dobo in pogostostjo okužbe zdravstvenih delavcev. Metode: Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu. Uporabili smo anketni vprašalnik z vprašanji zaprtega tipa ter Likertovimi lestvicami stališč. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 124 zdravstvenih delavcev iz zdravstvenih domov na območju Dolenjske. Podatke smo analizirali s programom SPSS. Rezultati: V času epidemije so zdravstveni delavci uporabljali priporočeno OVO, ki jim jo je zagotovilo vodstvo. V največji meri so uporabljali zaščitne maske in si razkuževali roke. Zaposleni s krajšo delovno dobo so se pri delu manj pogosto okužili s covidom-19. Večina se je strinjala, da je potrebno permanentno usposabljanje glede preprečevanja okužb na delovnem mestu in pravilne uporabe OVO. Razprava: Raziskali smo ključne dejavnike, ki prispevajo k okužbi zdravstvenih delavcev na delovnem mestu. Ugotovili smo, da zdravstveni delavci poznajo osebno varovalno opremo in njeno uporabo in da usposabljanje in pridobivanje veščin za preprečevanje okužb predstavlja zelo pomemben dejavnik za varno delo. Naše ugotovitve bi lahko pripomogle k izboljšanju zaščite zdravja in varnosti zdravstvenih delavcev pri vsakodnevnem delu in tudi v kriznih razmerah.
Keywords:covid-19, dejavniki tveganja, zdravstveni delavci, SARS-CoV-2, osebna varovalna oprema
Year of publishing:2025
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11374 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:227704067 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:25.01.2025
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Secondary language

Title:Risk Factors for Covid-19 in Health Care Workers
Abstract:Introduction: The emergence of COVID-19 as a global pandemic significantly affected our society, especially healthcare delivery. We examined the potential infection risk factors among the selected healthcare professionals. We aimed to determine whether the personal protective equipment (PPE) was available to the healthcare professionals under consideration, whether the latter employed the recommended PPE and whether they implemented any other preventive measures. We explored the respondents' perceptions regarding infection control and PPE competence training and the correlation between the length of service and infection rates. Methods: A quantitative research method was adopted. We designed a survey questionnaire comprising a set of closed-end questions and the 5-point Likert Scale data analysis. The sample comprised a total of 124 healthcare professionals from the healthcare centres from the Dolenjsko region. The survey analysis was conducted using SPSS software. Results: During the epidemic the selected healthcare professionals employed the recommended PPE which was provided by the management. The most common preventive measures included medical masks and regular hand disinfection. The infection rates were higher among the respondents with a shorter length of service. The majority of the respondents recognised the need for continuous infection prevention and PPE competence training. Discussion: We examined the potential infection risk factors within the selected healthcare centres. The respondents reported that they are familiar with PPE and the proper use of the latter and that they perceive infection prevention training as a significant workplace safety factor. The findings could contribute to increased workplace safety and wellbeing of healthcare professionals during their everyday care provision and during crisis situations.
Keywords:COVID-19, risk factors, healthcare professionals, SARS-CoV-2, personal protective equipment (PPE)
