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Authors:ID Kamernik, Sandra (Author)
ID Leskovic, Ljiljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DIP_Kamernik_Sandra_2025.pdf (1,42 MB)
MD5: BEDB8DA825B6162D8B9A918A7C5D7754
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Demenca je zahrbtna bolezen, ki se razvija počasi, a enakomerno skozi več let, zaradi česar jo okolica pogosto prepozna šele v napredovani fazi. Osebe z demenco, zlasti v poznejših fazah, imajo omejen dostop do senzorične obogatitve in smiselnih dejavnosti, kar jih pogosto postavlja v vlogo pasivnih prejemnikov oskrbe z malo možnosti za vključevanje v vsakodnevne rutinske aktivnosti. Ta raziskava prepoznava pomen multisenzornega okolja kot nefarmakološke intervencije, ki lahko bistveno izboljša kakovost življenja starostnikov z demenco. Namen diplomske naloge je, da s pomočjo sistematičnega pregleda literature preučimo vpliv multisenzornega okolja na oskrbo starostnika z demenco in vlogo zdravstvene nege pri njegovi implementaciji. Metoda: Raziskava temelji na sistematičnem pregledu znanstvene in strokovne literature. Iskanje virov je potekalo v bibliografskih bazah ScienceDirect, PubMed, Google Scholar in Google učenjak, s ključnimi besedami: »starostnik«, »demenca«, »multisenzorno okolje«, »multisenzorna terapija« in »zdravstvena nega«. Iskanje smo omejili na angleško literaturo, objavljeno med leti 2013–2023, z dostopom do celotne vsebine. Ključne besede so bile povezane z Boolovim operatorjem AND. Za identifikacijo in selekcijo virov smo uporabili smernice PRISMA. Rezultati: V pregled je bilo vključeno 16 člankov, katerih podatke smo analizirali s tehniko kodiranja in oblikovali vsebinske kategorije, kot so: vpliv multisenzornega okolja (MSE) na vedenjske in psihološke simptome demence, pomen individualizirane oskrbe, vloga medicinskih sester in negovalcev, fiziološki učinki MSE, izboljšanje kakovosti življenja ter ovire in priporočila za uporabo MSE. Rezultati pregleda literature kažejo, da ima multisenzorno okolje pomembne pozitivne učinke na vedenjske in psihološke simptome demence, kot so zmanjševanje agresije, tesnobe in apatije, ter prispeva k izboljšanju razpoloženja, komunikacije in fizioloških parametrov. Individualizirana oskrba v multisenzornem okolju se je izkazala kot ključna za doseganje teh učinkov, pri čemer imajo medicinske sestre pomembno vlogo pri prilagajanju stimulacije potrebam posameznika. Kljub dokazanim prednostim uporabe MSE se še vedno soočamo z ovirami, kot so pomanjkanje prostora, sredstev in usposobljenosti osebja za izvajanje teh intervencij.
Keywords:Starostnik, demenca, multisenzorno okolje, multisenzorna terapija, zdravstvena nega.
Year of publishing:2025
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11379 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:228331779 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:25.01.2025
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical background: Dementia is an insidious disease that develops slowly but steadily over several years, often being recognized by the surroundings only in its advanced stages. Individuals with dementia, particularly in later stages, have limited access to sensory enrichment and meaningful activities, frequently placing them in the role of passive care recipients with few opportunities to engage in daily routines. This study highlights the importance of multisensory environments as a non-pharmacological intervention that can significantly enhance the quality of life for older adults with dementia. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the impact of multisensory environments on the care of elderly individuals with dementia and to explore the role of nursing in their implementation through a systematic review of the literature. Method: The study is based on a systematic review of scientific and professional literature. Literature searches were conducted in bibliographic databases such as ScienceDirect, PubMed, Google Scholar, and Google Učenjak using keywords: "elderly," "dementia," "multisensory environment," "multisensory therapy," and "nursing care." The search was limited to English-language literature published between 2013 and 2023, with full-text access relevant to the topic of this thesis. Boolean operators (AND) were used to connect the keywords, and the PRISMA guidelines were applied for source identification and selection. Results: Sixteen full-text articles were included in the review, with data analyzed using coding techniques to form thematic categories, such as the impact of multisensory environments (MSE) on behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, the importance of individualized care, the role of nurses and caregivers, the physiological effects of MSE, improvements in quality of life, and barriers and recommendations for the use of MSE. The findings indicate that multisensory environments have significant positive effects on behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, such as reducing aggression, anxiety, and apathy, while improving mood, communication, and physiological parameters. Individualized care within multisensory environments was identified as essential for achieving these benefits, with nurses playing a critical role in adapting stimulation to the needs of each individual. Despite the proven advantages of MSE, challenges such as lack of space, resources, and trained personnel persist, hindering broader implementation.
Keywords:elderly, dementia, multisensory environment, multisensory therapy, nursing care
