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Title:Varna poporodna vadba za hitrejšo telesno regeneracijo porodnic : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa prve bolonjske stopnje Fizioterapija
Authors:ID Letnik, Diana (Author)
ID Goubar, Patricija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Letnik_Diana_dd_2024.pdf (1,42 MB)
MD5: DD3EF2B6AF03D32B9DED4B35236C125F
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UAMEU - Alma Mater Europaea University
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Nosečnost je nepozabna izkušnja, ki vnaša v žensko telo mnoge spremembe. Za vzpostavitev prvotne telesne kondicije je med nosečnostjo in po porodu potrebna varna telesna aktivnost, ki po nosečnosti vpliva na regeneracijo ženskega telesa. Tako je bil namen diplomskega dela s pregledom smernic za telesno aktivnost žensk po porodu raziskati in predstaviti oblike in koristi varne poporodne vadbe za hitrejšo telesno regeneracijo porodnic. Metodologija: Uporabili smo metodo kompilacije, komparacije, deskriptivno metodo ter metodo analize in sinteze. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 11 že opravljenih raziskav, ki so opisovale telesno aktivnost žensk po porodu ter njihov vpliv na telo porodnice. Članke smo izbirali s pomočjo podatkovnih baz COBISS, PEDro, PubMed, Research Gate ter jih prikazali s PRISMA diagramom. Rezultati: Ugotavljamo, da obstaja o varni vadbi po porodu bistveno manj literature in smernic kot o varni vadbi med nosečnostjo. Ugotavljamo, da so največkrat priporočene oblike telesne vadbe v nosečnosti raztezne vaje, hoja, tek in aerobna vadba ter da le-te pozitivno vplivajo na zmanjšanje poporodne utrujenosti, pomembno zmanjšujejo težave z mišicami medeničnega dna oziroma vplivajo na izboljšanje njihove moči. Različne vrste terapevtske vadbe vplivajo tudi na zmanjšanje težav z urinsko inkontinenco, izboljšujejo spolno funkcijo, lahko vplivajo na zmanjšanje diastaze mišice rectus abdominis, na zmanjšanje čezmernega zadrževanja telesne teže po porodu ter tudi na izboljšano kakovost življenja porodnice. Razprava: Pomembno vlogo pri vključevanju in učinkovitosti telesne aktivnosti med nosečnicami in porodnicami ima posameznica sama kot tudi fizioterapevt, ki s svojim znanjem in strokovnostjo ustrezno in varno vodi ter nadzoruje telesno aktivnost.
Keywords:telesna aktivnost, fizioterapija po porodu, poporodno obdobje, smernice poporodne vadbe, telesna regeneracija po porodu
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:D. Letnik
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:[7] f., 52 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11392 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:224597251 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:30.01.2025
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical background: Pregnancy is a transformative experience for a woman's body, and it is essential to engage in safe physical activity during and after childbirth to aid in the body's restoration and the woman's post-pregnancy physical regeneration. This thesis aims to explore and present the various forms and advantages of safe postnatal exercise to facilitate the faster physical recovery of parturient women by examining postnatal exercise guidelines. Methodology: The research utilized the compilation method, comparison method, descriptive method, as well as analysis and synthesis method. The study encompassed 11 existing research articles focusing on women's physical activity after childbirth and its impact on the parturient's body. Articles were sourced from COBISS, PEDro, PubMed, and Research Gate databases, and their presentation was structured using a PRISMA diagram. Results: The research revealed a significant shortage of literature and guidance on safe exercise after childbirth, in contrast to the wealth of information available regarding safe exercise during pregnancy. It was identified that commonly recommended forms of exercise after childbirth include stretching, walking, running, and aerobic exercise, all of which exhibit positive effects such as reducing postnatal fatigue, addressing pelvic floor muscle issues, and improving muscle strength. Additionally, various therapeutic exercises were found to help alleviate urinary incontinence problems, improve sexual function, potentially reduce diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle, address excessive postpartum weight retention, and enhance the quality of life for parturient women. Discussion: Both the individual and the physiotherapist play crucial roles in integrating and ensuring the efficacy of physical activity among pregnant and parturient women. Their knowledge and expertise enable them to appropriately and safely guide and supervise physical activity.
Keywords:physical activity, physiotherapy after childbirth, postpartum exercise, postpartum exercise guidelines, physical regeneration after childbirth
