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Authors:ID Mešić, Emina (Author)
ID Laznik, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 2551$$emina_mesic_diplomska_naloga.pdf (1,37 MB)
MD5: 5B3E5DE9DA3CEE27E21A136D2557F193
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Zdravstvena vzgoja je pomembna veja zdravstvenega sistema. Vključuje celotno populacijo od rojstva do smrti v vseh življenjskih obdobjih. Izvajalci zdravstvene nege so strokovnjaki na svojem področju in so kompetentni za izvajanje zdravstvene vzgoje. Poklici v zdravstveni negi spadajo med ene najbolj stresnih poklicev v svetu. Skrb za obolele, od zdravstvenih delavcev zahteva veliko strokovnega znanja, sposobnosti in empatije. Med dejavnike tveganja za zdravje na delovnem mestu med izvajalci zdravstvene nege štejemo izmensko delo, stresne situacije, visoke dnevne obremenitve na delovnem mestu, dežurstva, kompetence, ki vodijo v dilemo in izpolnjevanje zahtev ob vedno večji stiski s časom in pomanjkanjem kadra. Namen raziskave je bil preučiti pomen zdravstvene vzgoje v namen zmanjševanja bolniških odsotnosti med izvajalci zdravstvene nege. Iz rezultatov raziskave, v kateri je sodelovalo 111 anketirancev zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi, je zaključiti, da je za izvajalce zdravstvene nege najbolj obremenjujoče izmensko delo, predvsem nočne izmene, pomanjkanje časa in energije za telesno aktivnost in pripravljanje kvalitetnih raznovrstnih obrokov. Bremenijo jih tudi odnosi v samem kolektivu, kot tudi odnosi s pacienti in njihovimi svojci. Ugotovili smo, da je izvajanje zdravstvene vzgoje med izvajalci zdravstvene nege v namen preprečevanja bolniških odsotnosti pomembno. Ob opravljanju stresnega poklica, je pomembno, da znajo poskrbeti za ohranjanje in krepitev svojega psihofizičnega zdravja.
Keywords:zdravstvena vzgoja, kronične bolezni, dejavniki tveganja za zdravje, medicinske sestre, obremenitev medicinskih sester, bolniške odsotnosti, izmensko delo
Year of publishing:2025
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11418 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:01.02.2025
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Secondary language

Abstract:Health education is an important branch of the health system. It includes the entire population from birth to death at all stages of life. Nursing practitioners are experts in their field and are competent to provide health education. Nursing professions are among the most stressful professions in the world. Caring for the sick requires a lot of professional knowledge, skills and empathy from medical professionals. Risk factors for health at the workplace among nursing care providers include shift work, stressful situations, high daily workloads at the workplace, on-call duties, competences that lead to a dilemma and meeting requirments in the face of ever.increasing time constraints and staff shortages. The purpose of the research was to examine the importance of health education for the purpose of reducing sick leave among nursing care providers. From the results of the research, in wich 111 respondents who were employed in nursing took part, it can be concluded that the most burdensome thing for nursing providers is shift work, especially night shifts, lack of time and energy for physical activity and preparation of high-quality, varied meals. They are also burdened by relationships within the team itself, as well as relationships with patients and their relatives. We found that the implementation of health education among nursing care providers is important in order to prevent sick leave. When performing a stressful job, it is important that they know how to maintain and strengthen their psychophysical health.
Keywords:health education, chronic diseases, health risk factors, nurses, workload of nurses, sick leave, shift work
