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Authors:ID Bektašević, Adelisa (Author)
ID Ljubotina, Predrag (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 99E815E6F0D1F42F4D2AF5F7D7E25D65
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V diplomskem delu bomo preučevali vlogo in odgovornost managerja v organizaciji. Vloga in odgovornost managerja v organizaciji ima več ključnih izzivov. Vodja mora biti ves čas pozoren na svojo okolico in svoj način komuniciranja prilagajati situaciji, v kateri je. Biti kakovosten vodja zahteva prevzemanje tveganja, obvladovanje vremenskih razmer in sposobnost spodbujanja timskega okolja, ki zaposlenim omogoča, da delujejo po najboljših močeh. Vodja mora biti sposoben obvladati vsako od naštetih petih funkcij upravljanja, da lahko učinkovito dosega cilje. Cilj je globlje raziskati vlogo in odgovornost managerjev v organizaciji, s poudarkom na identifikaciji ključnih izzivov in dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na učinkovitost vodstvene vloge. Velik odstotek menedžerjev meni, da imajo preveč odgovornosti in pritiska. To pomeni, da bo za zmanjšanje tega pritiska morda potrebna boljša porazdelitev odgovornosti in podpora vodjem. Zaskrbljujoče je tudi dejstvo, da se precejšen del vodij ne čuti odgovornih za doseganje ciljev svoje delovne skupine. To lahko kaže na pomanjkanje jasne komunikacije o ciljih in odgovornostih, kar je nekaj, na čemer vsekakor moramo delati, da zagotovimo, da vsi člani ekipe razumejo svoje vloge in odgovornosti. Rezultati v komunikaciji so spodbudni, vendar še vedno obstajajo menedžerji, ki se ne strinjajo, da je komunikacija za management nujna. Glavni namen za vse organizacije in vodstvene ekipe je boljša porazdelitev odgovornosti in zagotavljanje dodatne podpore (mentorstvo, usposabljanje) za zmanjšanje občutka odgovornosti in pritiska, jasna komunikacija ciljev in odgovornosti, jasna zastavitev ciljev in redna komunikacija vodij. Povečajte predanost in organiziranost v ekipi. Izboljšanje komunikacijskih veščin, komunikacija je osnova uspešnega vodje in managementa. Na splošno vse štiri hipoteze niso potrjene, pomembno pa je razumeti, da ne gre nujno za negativen rezultat, ampak nam daje priložnost za dodatne raziskave in izboljšave. Vse hipoteze imajo negativne posledice, kot so potreba po dodatnih raziskavah in vpliv na politiko organizacije.
Keywords:manager, vloga managerja, odgovornost managerja, vodstvene sposobnosti, inovativnost.
Year of publishing:2025
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11429 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:06.02.2025
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the thesis, we will study the role and responsibility of the manager in the organization. The role and responsibility of the manager in the organization has several key challenges. A leader must always pay attention to his surroundings and adapt his way of communication to the situation in which he is. Being a quality leader requires risk-taking, weather control and the ability to foster a team environment that allows employees to perform at their best. A manager must be able to master each of the listed five management functions in order to effectively achieve goals. The goal is to explore more deeply the role and responsibility of managers in the organization, with an emphasis on the identification of key challenges and factors that influence the effectiveness of the managerial role. A large percentage of managers feel that they have too much responsibility and pressure. This means that a better distribution of responsibilities and support for managers may be needed to reduce this pressure. The fact that a considerable part of managers do not feel responsible for achieving the goals of their work group is also worrying. This can indicate a lack of clear communication about goals and responsibilities, which is something we definitely need to work on to ensure all team members understand their roles and responsibilities. The results in communication are encouraging, but there are still managers who do not agree that communication is necessary for management. The main purpose for all organizations and management teams is better distribution of responsibilities and provision of additional support (mentoring, training) to reduce the sense of responsibility and pressure, clear communication of goals and responsibilities, clear goal setting and regular communication of managers. Increase team commitment and organization. Improving communication skills, communication is the basis of a successful leader and management. In general, all four hypotheses are not confirmed, but it is important to understand that this is not necessarily a negative result, but gives us an opportunity for additional research and improvement. All hypotheses have negative implications, such as the need for additional research and impact on organizational policy.
Keywords:manager, manager's role, manager's responsibility, management skills, inovation.
