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Title:Vpliv intenzivne faze kompleksne dekongestivne terapije na limfedem, povzročen zaradi ponavljajočega erizipela : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa prve bolonjske stopnje Fizioterapija
Authors:ID Amon, Nataša (Author)
ID Goubar, Patricija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DIP_Amon_Natasa_2024.pdf (1,87 MB)
MD5: C4E530BD1CD16BF582523893889D0F94
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UAMEU - Alma Mater Europaea University
Abstract:Limfedem je kronično stanje, za katerega je značilno otekanje enega ali več predelov telesa. Kompleksna dekongestivna terapija (KDT) trenutno velja za najučinkovitejšo terapijo, ki zmanjša obseg in volumen limfedema ter izboljša negativne posledice tega obolenja. Namen našega diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti vpliv intenzivne faze KDT in dolgoročnost tega vpliva na limfedem, ki je nastal po večkratnem prebolelem erizipelu. Metode: Na podlagi modela triangulacije s kombinacijo kvalitativnih in kvantitativnih metod smo izvedli študijo primera. V kvantitativnem delu smo preko izmerjenega volumna obeh spodnjih okončin izračunali PEV (percent of excess volume) in PREV (percent reduction of excess volume). Za ugotavljanje vpliva limfedema na z zdravjem povezano kakovost življenja smo uporabili vprašalnik LYMQOL (Lymphoedema Quality of Life Questionnaire). Za kvalitativni del smo vključili polstrukturirani intervju, preko katerega smo pridobili subjektivno oceno preiskovanke glede vpliva limfedema na njeno vsakodnevno funkcioniranje in o njenem doživljanju intenzivne faze KDT. Rezultati: Pridobljeni rezultati so potrdili uspešnost intenzivne faze KDT, saj se je v obdobju dveh let PEV zmanjšal za 8,5% in PREV za 48,94%. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov preko vprašalnika LYMQOL ugotavljamo izboljšanje z zdravjem povezane kakovosti življenja, in sicer na področju dnevnega funkcioniranja za 37 %, telesne podobe oz. videza za 36 %, simptomov 41 % in razpoloženja za 40 %. Razprava: Z našim raziskovalnim delom smo ugotovili, da ima intenzivna faza KDT in aktivno sodelovanje pacientke pozitiven vpliv na stanje limfedema in na z zdravjem povezano kakovost življenja naše pacientke.
Keywords:limfedem, erizipel, intenzivna faza kompleksne dekongestivne terapije, z zdravjem povezana kakovost življenja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:N. Amon
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:[6] f., 42 str., [3] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11451 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:226390787 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:17.02.2025
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Secondary language

Abstract:Lymphedema is a chronic condition characterized by swelling in one or more areas of the body. Complex decongestive therapy (CDT) is currently considered the most effective therapy that reduces the volume of lymphedema and improves the negative consequences of this disease. The aim of our thesis was to determine the impact of the intensive phase of CDT and the long-term impact of this impact on lymphedema, which occurred after multiple episodes of erysipelas. Methods: Based on the triangulation model with a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, we conducted a case study. In the quantitative part, we calculated PEV (percentage of excess volume) in PREV (percentage of reduction of excess volume) using the measured volume of both lower extremities. To determine the impact of lymphedema on health-related quality of life, we used the LYMQOL (Lymphoedema Quality of Life Questionnaire). For the qualitative part, we included a semi-structured interview, through which we obtained the subject's subjective assessment of the impact of lymphedema on her daily functioning and her experience of the intensive phase of CDT. Results: The obtained results confirmed the success of the intensive phase of CDT, as during the period of two years PEV decreased by 8.5% and PREV by 48.94%. Based on the data obtained through the LYMQOL questionnaire, we note an improvement in the health-related quality of life, namely in the area of daily functioning by 37%, physical similarity or. appearance by 36%, symptoms by 41% and mood by 40%. Discussion: Through our research work, we found that the intensive phase of CDT and the active participation of the patient has a positive impact on the state of lymphedema and on the health-related quality of life of our patient.
Keywords:lymphedema, erysipelas, intensive phase of complex decongestive therapy, health-related quality of life
