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Title:Trgovinska kalkulacija in prihodki v trgovini na drobno
Authors:ID Glas, Tamara (Author)
ID Trobej, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: C1FD4D2A9AEB7DA7C704571F828F260C
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FEI - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Economics and Informatics
Abstract:Trgovina je za kupca pomemben vir, kjer z nakupi pridobi izdelke, ki jih potrebuje. Z drugimi besedami lahko trgovino tako opredelimo tudi kot posrednik izdelkov. Ta opredelitev se povezuje z njeno glavno funkcijo, ki je posredovanje blaga od proizvajalca do kupca. Kupec pa osebno pozna samo tisto vrsto trgovine, ki je njemu najbolj uporabna, to je trgovina na drobno. Ta kupuje izdelke od trgovine na debelo in jih prodaja naprej. Opredelili bi jo lahko tudi kot zadnjo fazo menjalnega procesa. Trgovina na drobno s prodajo izdelkov vzpostavi stik med proizvajalcem in kupcem. Zanjo je pomembno tudi, da skrbi za ustrezen obseg svojega trgovskega blaga ter da je to kupcem na voljo na dostopnih lokacijah in ob pravem času. S prodajo omenjenega trgovskega blaga pa trgovina ustvarja svoje prihodke. Prihodkom v vseh trgovinah lahko rečemo tudi prihodki od prodaje. Kot že samo ime pove, so odvisni od obsega prodaje. Več izdelkov kot bo trgovina prodala, večji prihodek bo dosegla, vendar trgovine tudi načrtujejo prihodke od prodaje, ki jih želijo doseči. Za uresničitev svojih ciljev pa morajo ustrezno določiti cene, kar storijo s kalkulacijo cen. To je poseben postopek, s katerim lahko izračunamo nabavno, lastno in prodajno ceno. Trgovci morajo biti pri tem previdni, saj če bo maloprodajna cena previsoka, kupci ne bodo hoteli kupiti izdelkov. Tudi naša raziskava pokaže, da kalkulacija cen resnično vpliva na prihodke od prodaje. Celotna raziskava temelji na primeru trgovine X in podaja več zanimivih ugotovitev.
Keywords:trgovina, prihodki, kalkulacija cen, trgovina na drobno, prihodki od prodaje
Year of publishing:2025
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11460 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:20.02.2025
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Secondary language

Title:Trade calculation and revenue in retail trade
Abstract:A store is an important source for the customer, where he can purchase the products he needs. In other words, a store can also be defined as an intermediary of products. This definition is linked to its main function, which is to mediate goods from the producer to the customer. But the customer personally knows only the type of store that is most useful to him, and that is the retail store. It buys products from wholesalers and resells them. It could also be defined as the final stage of the exchange process. By selling products, the retail store establishes contact between the producer and the customer. It is also important for it to ensure that the appropriate volume of its merchandise is available to customers in accessible locations and at the right time. The store generates its income by selling the merchandise. Revenues in all stores can also be called sales revenue. As the name implies, they depend on the volume of sales. The more products the store sells, the more revenue it will make. However, stores also plan the sales revenue they want to achieve. To realize their goals, they must set prices accordingly, which they do by calculating prices. This is a special procedure with which we can calculate the purchase, own and selling price. Retailers need to be cautious about this, because if the retail price is too high, customers will not want to buy the products. Our research also shows that price calculation really does affect sales revenue. The whole research is based on the case of store x and provides some interesting findings.
Keywords:store, revenue, price calculation, retail store, revenues for sales
